I have been friends with this guy for three years and we date on/off, we have pretty much established a good friendship. A couple of months ago, I just suddenly had a fit of jealousy and argued with him. He just stopped talking to me from then on. I tried to contact him twice, he refused my calls. I sent out an email of apology, no response. I see him online in Skype whenever I'm online but no effort to contact me. With these actions, it's clear that he doesn't want to talk to me ,and so with a broken heart I just leave him alone and not make any efforts to call in fear of rejection over and over again.
I have tried to delete him from my Skype contact list but honestly just couldn't. He has become a special person in my life. What I don't understand is, if he does not want me anymore, why wouldn't he just delete or block me from his contact list as well? Are men really just oblivious to things like this? Men, share your thoughts. Thank you.