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Thread: why would he play mind games like that?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    why would he play mind games like that?

    i was dating this guy for almost four years and we had plans to be married and move in together, we were living together for a while but then we decided to take a break get everything together and then in a coule of months move in and get married to eachother. but when i moved back home everything seemed fine we were calling eachother everyday and saying i love you but then he called one day and acted very cold and told me that he doesnt love me anymore and that we have no reason to talk to eachother anymore. i cried and said why i dont understand so then he couldnt give me a great explanation and then i told him to have a nice life. and i was depressed i could not eat or slee all i did was cry, so then a month later he calls back and then apoligizes to me saying that it wasnt like him to talk that way and he just felt so irratated that nothing was going right in his life so he took it out on me. so then i forgace him but still kept my distance because i was hurt, and whn i did keep my distance he got mad and said why dont i ever pick up the phone and i was trying to keep myself busy because we were still not back together.

    so then we started talking more and more ans skyping eachother we laughed and called eachother all the nick names we use to and he was flirting a little but i did not give in, im still keeping my distance from that. so we are talking everyday now it seems and im thinking maybe we realy can make this work, but then he told me that he did not want to be in a relationship for a long time and that he just wanted to be single and then he asked did i want to be his roomate but he still does not want a relationship. so then month two rolls around that we have been apart and then we had phone sex and of course i fell for it because he was my first and i still had feelings for him. we still continue to talk but the arguments come up and he says that you know its not my fault we broke up right? he blames everything on me. and he told me he was still in love with me. so then the calls kinda lessen but he still calls and checks up on me and asking me if im seing anyone i still say no because i am not. but then he says that he has been talking to some people. then then a week ago he tells me he is in a serious relationship? why would he do that and have me thinking that he has intrest in me? and i just kind of think about everything i went trough with him. i wonder will his new girlfriend put up with his paranoia? i wonder will his new girlfriend try to spend hrs on the phone with his therapist trying to help him? i wonder will his new girlfriend put up with being acused if sleeping with his fatrher and brother like i had to go through because he has paranoia?

    I felt like i was there for him, when he felt depressed i was there, when he went on paranoia rampages and got violent i was there to calm him down. when his dad treated him like shit who was there to comfort him? me. I still stuck by him even though he acused me of doing some realy low down things because of his paranoia, and even though it hurt me of everything he acused me of i stuck by him. When his car broke down at 12:00 at night who home did he stay in for the night when his father would not even help him, he stayed at my home. and it realy hurt me when he told me that i stuck by him with his paranoia mental issues but as a girlfriend i did nothing right and all i knew how to do was help him with his issues. are you serious?!

    i think right now im just realy hurt that he would tell me he didnt want to be in a relationship then 3 months later he has a serious relationship. then the way he told me hurt me so much, he called me one day and i heard romantic music in the background and then thats when he said that i have somrthing to tell you, im seing someone and its getting serious. and i just didnt want it to be a secret, and i knew she had to be there in because whenever we were hetting ready to have sex we would play music so i already know what they were doing. do you think what they have is a rebound relationship? because he said nothing about this girl at all and we only been broke up for 3 months. I wonder will she put up with everything i put up with when he gets comftorable and tells her he has paranoia? will she put up with being acused of sleeping with his father? will she put up with being acused of wanting to kill him? ( he acused me of this as well, people with paranoia think this about people who are close to them) i wonder will she stick around like i did and go to all his therapy meetings like i did to help him? will she be there for him like i did for his issue?

    im realy hurt because i feel like i was there for him and he toyed with me theese past couple of months and now he is in a serious relationship that quick only after 3 months of knowing someone? a month ago he was acting like he couldnt even handle if i was with someone and now he is with her and doesnt even call me!?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Twin Cities
    Taking a break is not part of a healthy relationship. It's generally called for by someone who wants to cheat without technically cheating. I'm going to go out on a limb here and speculate that you are somewhat clingy and your guy felt suffocated, based on your really long post. But the way he handled everything was poor, so you are lucky to not marry this guy. Take some time to recover and then get back out there. Soon enough, you will find a better guy.
    Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from bad decisions.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by VincenzoG91 View Post
    Taking a break is not part of a healthy relationship. It's generally called for by someone who wants to cheat without technically cheating. I'm going to go out on a limb here and speculate that you are somewhat clingy and your guy felt suffocated, based on your really long post. But the way he handled everything was poor, so you are lucky to not marry this guy. Take some time to recover and then get back out there. Soon enough, you will find a better guy.
    wow funny that you say that because he always complained that i wasnt attached enough to him. hm go figure

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