Ok so me and my girlfriend were in a relationship for almost a year and a half. Towards the end of the relationship it just felt like something was missing “spark was gone”. When the break up came I wasn’t surprised because I had been feeling something was wrong also. I didn’t want it but I agreed to it…and this was done through text message after I left her house one night because she said she couldn’t do it in person and didn’t even want to hear my voice because it would upset her and she wouldn’t be able to go through with it. So after that night I realized that I really don’t want to loose this girl and we texted for the next couple days. We talked about the problems with the relationship and the main thing was a lack of communication. Neither of us knew how serious the other one really was about each other. She said she often thought this could be the guys I married and I told her I felt the same way about her. She said she wished I would have told her these things a week ago and she probably would have never left me. Things like this weren’t often talked about in our relationship and we never fought about anything either. I think one problem was we both kept everything inside. I did the whole pleading for another chance and texting for the next couple days. She said she still loved me and we found each other attractive but she just needs space. The one main thing was that she hasn’t been single for about four years she started dating me right after she broke up with her ex and she said she just doesn’t know what its like to be on her own anymore and she wasn’t time to figure things out. It doesn’t have anything to do with any other guy she just wants to be alone and spend time with her friends. She is twenty and im twenty three and I feel like right now she is realizing that her and her friends are growing up and growing apart from one another and she doesn’t like the idea of that. She doesn’t know what she is going to school for and didn’t have a job at the time her life was kinda mixed up. A couple days after the break up I cut my hair short which was the first time I have done that since I was about ten. She saw the pictures and was excited and said she like it. So two weeks ago I started no contact I just stopped texting all together after a flirty conversation about hanging out and seeing each other that ended with her saying she doesn’t wasn’t me waiting for her and she thinks that im counting on getting back together and that not what she wants. So I have been going out a lot having a good time and letting facebook know about it because I know she still checks my profile…I feel like this is some messed up test to see if I will just move on right away. So after nine days of no contact she texted me casually talking about a book she is reading that I have already read and asked how I was doing in the middle of the conversation. I know she still has feelings for me that stuff just doesn’t go away when a week before her friends are telling me how much she loves me but she doesn’t think I love her like that. So now were at week two I don’t really go on her profile but I did find out that she dyed her hair black and she got a full time job five days a week she is keeping busy. So now were at two weeks of no contact today and all I want to do is talk to her. Yesterday she liked a status I put on facebook that was about a song we like and our astrology signs that said the two of us were good together. Why is she liking that? she has to still care and she is obviously checking on my facebook. Do I still have a chance with this girl…I hate this so much but had to talk to someone about it ..and sorry for the book.