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Thread: Is it completely physical or does he like me more?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Is it completely physical or does he like me more?

    Hi guys,

    So, I've been friends with this guy for about 2 years. He hung in the same group of my friend as my then-boyfriend and when I joined the group, I became friends with him. My boyfriend and I broke up and this guy was there to talk mew through the rough times of my ex being crazy (ex broke up with me then decided he wanted me back).

    Now, me and the friend have been talking a lot more since then (I also helped him through a rough situation with a girl, so we ha started talking more because of that as well). Once I was done with my ex and he was done with that girl, I definitely notice some flirting going on from both parties. It was very subtle though, so I didn't think anything of it.

    The more we talked, the more apparent it became. We began to flirt more obviously and when we hung out (he currently lives about an hour away) he would sit near me or find reasons to sort of touch me (run my back, playing with my hair, putting his arm around me because I was cold, etc).

    One night, he told me that he thought I was pretty and kinda held my hand all night (it was a secret holding as my ex happened to be there that night....). The next time, he was trying to use my housemate's computer that requires a really crappy wireless mouse and decided to use my leg as the mousepad. That same night, he got drunk with my ex and spent the night texting me that he liked me but didn't want to do anything because of the ex (That's a whole different story, already posted about it if some of you remember. I'm dealing with that)

    We still talked all the time about everything. One thing was how stupid it was that my ex was questioning us about the relationship and how he needed to move on. (he said this) The next time, he took me out to dinner, walked me to a friend's house, and the next day we hung out and cuddled on my bed all day. He kissed me right as we were about to get up to meet someone. (I later found out he waited so it wouldn't escalate into anything else since he doesn't want to hurt my exes feelings)

    I am now sure he likes me, but I am not always sure if it's just a physical thing or he wants something serious. He told me when we were just friends that he really wanted to find a serious girlfriend. But, I feel like a majority of our non-friendly conversations are sort of sexual. But then some are sweet (saying that he's glad he held off his laundry so he can stay up and talk to me, listing the reasons he likes me [not all physical]). I dunno. I feel like a lot of stuff is held back because of the ex, but I'm just curious. If it is just physical, I'm not gonna be upset. I wasn't planning on getting into anything serious until I started liking him.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Sounds like he's keen on you but scared to make a move on you. So why not make a move on him instead?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Well, you've been friends for 2 years. I would think it's safe to say there's some sort of foundation other than physical.

    Of course, never assume, 2 years isn't a long time to try to get in someones pants if the social situations are convenient (same circle of friends).

    It's simple, if you think you might be into him, give it a go, and take the risk.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    I have tried to make the first move. I went into kiss him before he kissed me because it felt right. I'm not good at that sort of thing because I can be a bit shy. I went in and gave him a quick kiss and he kinda laughed at it, but didn't kiss me back. He's just worried about my ex, who has had suicidal tendencies in the past. He's a very goo friend, even though he doesn't like my ex that much. He's just kin of his only friend.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    I spent two years being my wifes best friend. We used to sleep together in our underwear. She was interested, and I was interested. I was hung up on being the guy who didn't put pressure or expectations on her.
    I took off for a year till a friend said I should give her a call. That was 13 years ago.

    Good chance he's keeping his distance because you're still dealing with a guy. You're either gonna have to talk about it, and or get the nut job of ex out of your life.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Thanks. I wish my ex would get out of my life. At least until he's able to move on.

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