My Boyfriend and i are getting married in 8 months but i'm really starting to wonder if i can live like this... He gets angry for no reason and yells at me, tells me i'm stupid or useless but always says hes sorry, usually he only gets angry over something stupid like he cant find his puffer or the door on the dishwasher wont close, really stupid stuff. he's really loving but i keep wondering what will set him off next, he's even worse when he drinks but has NEVER hit me. when i talk about wanting to stay at home with our kids when he have them he tells me i will do what i'm told and i just feel like i have no say in anything. we moved 4 1/2 hrs away from all our family and friends because he wanted a job that paid more money and we buy everything he wants eg. boat, motorboike, ute... but i have never asked for anything, i know it sounds like i'm letting him walk all over me but i tell him off for speaking to me like he does but i dont seem to be getting through.

If he loves me as much as he says he does why does he treat me like i'm a second class citizen? i'm not ugly or dumb. i do love him.

Any Advice????