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Thread: Serious break-up troubles. Broken hearts on both ends.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Serious break-up troubles. Broken hearts on both ends.

    How long do I have to get her back?

    Ok so here's the back story. I have been friends with this girl for about 2 and a half years, and we only recently started dating. We have been having an amazing time and I know practically everything about her, and her about me, which is nice since she is a bit of a shy person and hates her past. I love her to death as a friend and Im thinking that this could be my one shot at finding the one. I'd be willing to say that i love her, but I really do think that I am in love with her. However, today we hit a bump in the road. Her grandfather has just died and shes doing not so well in school, and she thinks that this isnt the best time to have a boyfriend, so she broke up with me. I asked her best guy-friend on how she feels about me (he happens to be a great friend of mine) and he said that I just need to make an effort at getting her back, that she still really likes me. So I did. I went to her house with a necklace I had previously bought her and never had the chance to give it to her. It was supposed to be a 6 month anniversary present, which is hey! tomorrow... but I did, and shes a sucker for the cliches so I had my car out on her street with our song playing, and she loved it, and the necklace, and said she wasn't sure if it was the right choice yet, so I left. She called me later, and I told her i got a job interview, to which she replied "I'm really really happy for you." almost in the 'I'm happy that you are moving on' kind of way. I know she still likes me and she knows i still like her a lot and that I still want her. We both are hurting very much from this and in my opinion if you both are hurting from breaking up then there was no reason to breakup in the first place.

    So in the end to anyone who has sat through this entire message can be relieved because you are almost done.

    So here are my three questions to anyone who is willing to reply:

    1. How long do I have to get her back?

    2. What would be the best way to do that?

    3. Was it a bad move to go over right away?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Well, I think her friend is totally wrong. When a girl does this, it's usually because she's not happy with her own life and isn't ready for a relationship. She's not doing well in school, and her grandfather just died.... She more than likely wants to focus on school and not have to worry about pleasing you, and being a good girlfriend. She may be doing the only thing she knows how to do, and that's take care of herself. Which really isn't a bad thing.

    On the other hand, girls do dumb shit. No offense ladies The hardest thing you HAVE to do right now is NOT be there for her. You gotta start no contact immediately, and she needs to realize what she's missing out on without you being there. You need to do that if you really want her back, and if it doesn't work, then you need to accept her decision and move on.

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