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Thread: What a situation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    What a situation

    So yous all basically know my story. She was inlove with me, then some other guy came along and took her and now shes got a bf and i dont have anything.
    Quote from last week from me 'She has since stopped talking 2 me on messanger and put this on her nik ur guna want me, but wen u wnt me it might be, a different story.' I took all your advice, decided to move on and forget about it, well it was basically working until today. I was on messanger, status 'busy', i didnt see her log on, and i see her change her nick to another love message thing (It could have been just she was after a new nick, but i think its because shes got a bf, and 16 year olds like to do this, put a new nick once they are always in love). Anyhow, once i saw her on, i automatically decided against opening up a conversation with her. 2 minutes 5 minutes, about 10 minuts after she signed on my messanger flashes. I look to see who wrote a message, and she decides to write hi, how r u etc etc. The day before her friend had asked me do you still ilke her, i go na, im over her. Today she was at that friends place and on the computer. I wasn't very active in talking too her, we started talking abit, her friend took over the conversation for afew words like how u going, etc and I decided to get off. She was talking quite normally to me like before, my question, if she has a bf, why she still talking to me for? She knows I liked her, she hurt me with her nicks last week, and I doubt her bf goes on messanger, you rekon shes talking to me to make me jealous or continue to hurt me with the nick. In all honestly, at the start she was the one that liked me, but I fell for her, and shit happens. Thank yall.

  2. #2
    vashti's Avatar
    vashti is offline Hot love muffin guru
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    She is 16! Girls like to keep lots of boys on the back burner, just in case! Just ignore her and move on. She will grow up in 8-10 years.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Yes, your right. But what do you think about this. Could it be that she is just trying to make me jealous or trying to hurt me. Did she get over me this fast, or do you think that she still likes me, even if its abit. There is a another party coming up soon, shes invited i owuld imagine and so am i. I dont want to not go because ill look like a wussie, I'm planning on coming but bringing another chick. thank you for your time man )

  4. #4
    vashti's Avatar
    vashti is offline Hot love muffin guru
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    I don't know what is going on in her head. 16 year old girls don't think much. However, you are missing the point. You should MOVE ON, which means you should stop trying to anayze every little thing she does. You will never figure her out anyway, so it is just a waste of your time.

    By the way, I am not a man.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    you have to not care...play it cool. talk to her on messenger or whatever. but don't talk to her like she's someone you want. you know the girl in school who you think is super nice but you'd NEVER EVER EVER wanna date? treat her like that.

    who the f knows what's going on in her head. she's 16...she probably doesn't even know what's going on in her head. but just be nice, but be cool...be calm. keep her at a slight distance.

  6. #6
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    Go to the party regardless. But only take another girl if you're actually interested in the other girl - or at least like hanging out with the other girl and would enjoy her company as a friend.

    Maybe her friend likes you? Do you think that is why she asked you that? And maybe that's why her friend msn'd you?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by SSS66
    So yous all basically know my story. She was inlove with me, then some other guy came along and took her and now shes got a bf and i dont have anything.
    Why do you not have anything? Did she take your stuff, car, and house too?!...that biatch!
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  8. #8
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    Dec 2005
    Anyhow people.. I managed to get over her.. On new years, I went out and managed 2 see her, She called me and I just looked at her and kept walking. I then had to get out, and I had to walk past her so i did and i tilted my head to the opposite side so that I dont have to say hi to her. Her friend then next day came on messanger and told me that the other chick was pissed, not like i cared so i didnt reply. Then yesturday, while wtching TV, i left messanger on, she came on messanger and started talking to me. She was talking normally like before, and I wasnt showing any 'love' towards her, it sounded more like 'hate'. I then went offline 20 minutes later, and did not bother saying bye. Whilst at work today, both her and her friend came to my work, i was pretty suprised, and they asked if i wanted 2 go out on my break with them. I told them no (i was going out with friends). Why is she talking too me?? If I am correct, she must have broken up with her bf or something or maybe she likes me? I dont see any reason why shes doing al this, after all, its not like she lives a walking distance to where i work. thank you.

  9. #9
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    Maybe things aren't working well with her and her bf, and she finally come to see what a confident and secure man you, and finding how attractive you are, and finally realizing how much she loves you lol, just maybe, just maybe...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Well, I don't think you have to be a jerk to her and her friend. What would be REALLY neat is if you just treated them like friends, and pretend nothing ever happened, because then it really means you're "over it".

    But otherwise it sounds like you're still bitter.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    I'm not bitter, after just taking advice, it was suggested to me to ignore her. and that is what i simply did.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Don't even talk to her bud. I know a lot of girls who act like this. She really just wants to keep you jealous to feel better about herself. If you do talk to her, just give her one-word answers, don't be talkative, and make her chase you.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    You rekon. Well, she liked me, more than a friend, and i remember at the party she kept kissing infront of me, if i had gone to another area, she'd come there and kiss. I guess you are right about that. But why shes trying to make me jealous. Do you think she st ill likes me but shes just trying to make me jelaous, to show what im missing out on?

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