Ok so here is the situation.

I met this girl on face book about 2 weeks ago...we've been sending eachother messages since then...planning to hang out this weekend.

Ive never met up with anyone Ive met online before so I dont really know what to expect. Ive kind of narrowed down what to do to something light but active like miniature golf, because it will give us something to do rather than sitting at a dinner table interrogating eachother...but im 21 years old and it might be kind of childish?
I was also thinking of this coffee shop which is pretty cool...but I kind of want to avoid the whole awkwardness of sitting at a table asking eachother questions because we dont know eachother THAT well...I guess we can always take a walk by the beach (right by the coffee shop).

So I come to this female forum to ask a females opinion on what she would prefer to do, or if there are any other ideas I am very open to hear them...

Also, any tips, advice, anything I should know about meeting someone online? Nothing like "be careful blah blah blah "