Hey, i'm new here and i would like to tell my love story.I had a relationship with a guy for 3 months.It was my first relationship and he had two relationships before me 3 years ago. He was so nice and kind and soon i fell deeply in love with him.And i believe he was in love with me too.We had made plans for the future and he had confessed so many times that he wanted to marry me one day.My big mistake was that i expressed my enthousiam for him a lot.Although lately, he preferred to play video games with his friends rather than going out with me and generally we were going out twice a week.I had a feeling that he didn't want me anymore and i was so sad that i was crying all th time.We had a fight for this that lasted two weeks. So i told him to break up. He told me that he was thinking the same thing.He didn't explained me the reasons that he decided to break up with me. He told me that we are different and we can't have relationship.I told him that we faced these problems because we didn't tell the things that didn't like to each other, so i told him to give a try to be together again and he refused. He also told me that he didn't have any problem in keeping contact with me.I tried to talk to him many times but he didn't ever make the first move to talk to me in chat rooms.So i stopped to talk to him the last four weeks.As you can see, i want to be with him beacause i'm so in love with him that i think of him all the time.I was wondering why he didn't want to be with me and if there is any hope to be together again.