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Thread: Seeking advice.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Seeking advice.

    Ok, I'm 14 and i had just made an account on this forum because i'm seeking advice.
    On the 15 of dec me and my friend Joanne decided to take our relationship 1 step ahead. And thats when we became ''Together''.
    The following few weeks she made us argue over stupid shit. But we still managed to pull it together. on the 5th of jan she then went to victoria for 5 days for a holiday with her family.
    After she came back. She told me she missed me and shit blah blah blah. The next two days she had changed..... Then on the third day she wouldn't talk to me much. As in if she didn't want to on purpose. The next day ( the day before our 1 month ). She broke up with me and said i like you as a friend now..... After that day i have been eagerly sad. 1 week later she was growing a bit attached to my friend *nathan. They both planned outtings together. Put eachother on bebo tops. And just a bit later. There in love or some shit. Shes got tags like ''I love you ^^'', And hes got flirty tags like '' Joannes awesomer then me (H)''. **** it pisses me off. He knows that i'm not over her yet and he stills continues to do this to me. Why couldn't he wait until i got over her 1st...
    Did she fake relationship with me just to know my friend?
    Idk what to do anymore....

    Please help me guys.

    Taking any advice


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Seattle, WA
    It sounds like he's not your friend. He didn't actually ask you what you thought before becoming involved with her. So, drop him as a friend and move on.

    Pretty much he broke the sacred Bros before Hoes rule.
    "Well, then," the Cat went on, "you see a dog growls when it's angry, and wags its tail when it's pleased. Now I growl when I'm pleased, and wag my tail when I'm angry. Therefore I'm mad."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    ok they're not your friends. Tell them to f**k off and be a happy 14 yr old.

    after some decade you'll be dead wishing this is the only problem in your life^^
    Live the moment.

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