I have been with my boyfriend for just over 1 year, we do not live together so lead pretty seperate lives.
Thing is he used to leave his mobile phone lying around all the time but all of a sudden he stopped doing it and started being really over-protective with it which made me suspitious. I know I shouldnt have done but I sneaked a look at his texts when I got the chance.
There were a load of texts from his ex saying stuff like "are you back yet babe?", "I just wanted someone to talk to...", "I had to go, he was waking up, speak soon xxxx" and "are you on msn tonight babe?" etc. (he told me he doesnt use msn to talk to anyone but me and said he didnt speak to her at all anymore).
Another girl was also on the phone, he's been texting her asking what she's upto and showering her with compliments etc.
Should I be worried or could this be innocent?