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Thread: What just happened? Help me understand.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    What just happened? Help me understand.


    met a girl august 2008. im 24. she was 18(may have been my first mistake). started dating. a few months into the relationship she moved into the house me and 2 roommates were renting because her parents were controlling and she is sick of being sheltered. parents are also wealthy.

    4 months after she moved in she and i started talking about getting an apartment because she didnt like the roommates, and i didnt either really.

    i was the longest relationship she had ever been in, we were happy, got along great, had a lot of good times, told each other i love you everyday etc. we had some arguments, but never any "fights". never anything physical.

    2-3 months ago i lost my job, which was one of three i had in the past year, which her parents were very concerned about. they were always very nosey and always stressing her out and giving her ultimatums.

    2nd week of august, which was just a week after our 1 year anniversary, we went camping. had a great time etc.

    her car started making a noise, i looked at it when we got home and told her its your alternator. no problem, we'll get a new one and i'll put it in. told her to keep driving it until we can get a new one, the car will be fine.

    a couple days later when she was supposed to go to work she decides "the noise is so loud i had to take it in." her dad paid for it. her car was in the shop overnight, so she told me shes staying at her parents house to use her moms car for work the next day. "i love you, ill be home tomorrow."

    tomorrow came, and i get a phone call from her, and she says, "i decided im moving back to my parents house."

    just like that, out of nowhere. i was upset, said how can you do this to me, i cant afford this apartment on my own, this isnt love etc. etc.

    talk to her the next day, she says shell be coming to get her things, i asked for her not to bring her family.

    2 days later, theres a knock at the door. i look out the peephole and its her and her mom, "oh great" i think, then i hear her dad on the phone, hes calling the cops, saying i wont let them in, before i could even answer the door.

    i open the door, they come in, her whole family, mom dad brother and uncle.

    they got all of her stuff, i reluctantly helped them but was respectful. she didnt say a word to me.

    when they were about to leave, she gave me a 2 page letter, to go along with the message on myspace saying "i love you, youre the best man whos ever come into my life, i love you im sorry" etc.

    she asked me not to contact her for one week to give us time to clear our heads. 3 days into it, her dad calls me telling me i need to sign her off the lease. i said no way, not without her half of rent for the remainder of the lease. he tells me, "she has other options."

    2 days later theres a knock on my door, its the cops, served me with a restraining order even though i had no contact with her prior.

    the following day she was off the lease. i guess you can use it for that purpose?

    that all happened at the end of august, early september.

    have spoken a word or heard anything from her since.

    anyone have any insight or advice or have something theyd like to share?

    EDIT: i think my biggest question is, how can she go from saying i love you everyday, sleeping next to me everynight, to just not having ANY contact with me? was it all bullshit? is her family giving her moral support? i dont get it.

    Last edited by fmlx; 05-10-09 at 04:49 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    I think the age difference might've ****ed things up. I'm sure you've been through a lot more than she has, so you were ready to commit to something serious, but since you've been with her for a year, that would make her currently 19, right? She has a long way to go before she can get into anything serious in my opinion. Plus, i'm sure you didn't deserve half the mess her and her family brought into your life. Didn't seem like you did anything wrong.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Something negative to learn from, that's about it, you'll be wiser next time. The way she handled things, you better ditch her number and not even think twice about calling it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    You're not at fault here unless there's something missing from your relationship with her family that you didn't mention. Did they even like you?

    The age differences sounds like the kicker. Being in an apartment at 18-19 is very tough and I'm sure her parents saw it in that direction as well.

    Take this as a learning lesson when dealing with young girls...because it's a rollercoaster ride with them.

  5. #5
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    ummm this is easy her parents threatened to take away all money all contact! DUH.

    she's pussy whipped by her rich parents- that is all you need to know.

    "more money, more problems" (now you know.)

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