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Thread: I'm an idiot.....right!?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    I'm an idiot.....right!?

    I'm just gonna put it out there, then answer questions about it as we go along.

    * Girl meets boy and they have been together for a little over a year now

    *Girl has crazy ex who harrassed the couple for several months (still does from time to time)

    *Guy's ex comes back to town after being across the country for over a year and tries to fight her way back in to his life

    *Guy and Girl remain strong and are remain together

    *Guy's work drops off considerably and he is forced to move back home (yup! same place the ex is living)

    *Girl expresses concern, but after constant assurance, she decides to let him do what he feels he needs to do

    *Girl has her doubts and Guy is ALWAYS there to help her through them, and reaffirm the relationship

    *Guy slowly becomes more distant (he claims that it's only because he is worried about money and work)

    *The couple speaks daily (several times via text, phone, email) which helps her cope, but it isn't enough. She feels bad for this, because he is trying to do everything he can to help her cope.

    My heart and head both tell me that he loves me and truly wants to be with me, but his bad luck keeps piling on to us both. I struggle daily with the same things he does, yet nothing ever goes our way. If we catch a break and are able to spend time together, there's nothing better. We are adults, so this isn't a high school relationship.

    Here's my question: Am I just too blind to see that this will never work out? It breaks my heart to think about losing him. It breaks his to know I think this way. It's like we will never be to a point where we can relax and just be a couple......and happy.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Langley, BC
    Is there any foreseeable time when you'll be in the same town living near each other again?

    If not, and what you have isn't enough, then you're fighting a losing battle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    There is. We do our best to see each other as often as possible. Which translate to about once or twice every 2 weeks. I'm beginning to realize the battle may be lost. It sucks too, cause I see the potential. We are victims of circumstances.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Your love isn't doomed if the two if you were willing to make some huge sacrifices. Why can't he live with you until work picks up? Is it impossible to settle down where he us at now?

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