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Thread: what do you guys think..opinions pls

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    what do you guys think..opinions pls

    Hey guys here goes. i work at a retail store and I have this guy that comes in i guess you could say on a regular basis. He'll go inside and get stuff and then bring it outside to pay for it which is normally work at. There was a time whenhe was buying alot of patio blocks and stuff. So I asked him if he was in the landscape business. He shook his head yea.

    Then the next time he came in he had brought a male friend with him.I was joking around with him bout the blocks again. Hes like yeah everytime I think i got enough I come up short. His friend is like yeah that would really suck if you were a teacher. hes like yeah hes right I am a teacher. It was like they were trying to make it a point for me to know that he was a teacher not a landscaper.Then he turned around and asked me how much is it normally he never asks that just pays and leave. i told him then he said ok I can handle that. His friend is like yeah but can your card handle it is the question.

    The next couple of times he came in with his friend and when they got to the register they were joking around still.One time the register was messed up and he was joking around bout he wore it out. Then he came in by himself again the next time.Same old quiet self.He doesn't say all that much and what he does say he sort of mumbles where you can just barely hear him.So he came in the next day and went inside the store got what he wanted brought it outside.I was on the phone and there was another girl on the register across from me. He still came over to me.I said well look its mr. lost n found. he started laughing and sort of mumbled how are you doing.My friend says this guy has a thing for me but I figured i'd ask the male race bout this . So guys whats your opinions please.And any female opinions are welcome to.Thanx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    ^^ I think it's sweet, the way he only comes to you. He obviously has some sort of feelings for you, wither trying to sort them out, or is positive, but it's there, of course.

  3. #3
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    It looks like he feels comfortable using the register with you. I do it most of the times because I know that the customer service is same pace and convenient as the other day. Compliments and mild flirting should let you know that he has a thing for you.
    To be or not to be?

    Is that the question?

  4. #4
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    Males are not a race.

  5. #5
    vashti's Avatar
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    It sounds like mild flirting (at most). Don't go picking out your wedding dress just yet. This kind of interaction happens on a regular basis when you work with people, and it doesn't necessarily mean a thing.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  6. #6
    Junket's Avatar
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    I don't think it means much of anything.

    Like Vash said, don't get your hopes up about anything unless he, or you make a very obvious move.

  7. #7
    DoesntMatter's Avatar
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    He sounds like he's just a really friendly guy, and probably finds you attractive to some degree.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    He sounds weird.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    St Louis, Missouri, USA
    Yes, I'd say he has a "thing" for you. He finds you attractive! Certainly in some physical way, and probably something about your disposition, or how you do your job, or just that you'll chat with your customers, etc.

    A lot of guys just like to mildly flirt with women, and it can be fun (for both parties), and there's seldom anything substantial behind it. People who supervise public-contact operations like retail stores know this, and often place a somewhat attractive girl, with a personality that will chat and flirt back a little, at the most prominent register in hopes that she'll help draw customers. An acquaintance of mine who ran a specialty store in a large shopping mall put a fair amount of thought into scheduling who was at his front register. He referred to her as "the cutey on duty", but I hope he never said that where his employees could hear. Yes, it's sexist and discriminatory and borders on illegal but it's a fact of life. If somebody has put you in a position like that - it's probably a compliment.

    I bet your customer is a somewhat shy guy who finds you attractive and wishes there was some way to know you better. He seemed to interact more with you when he was with his buddy, which I don't think he'd do if he was just looking for a pick-up or to "score". He probably has some fantasy-idea about what your personality, intelligence, likes and dislikes, etc are - and it might have some basis in fact. But let's be realistic: how much does he really know about you?

    Is there a lot of age difference? Any superficial signs (like a 2-year old in a stroller) that he's not really "available"? If not, I don't think it would be improper for you to arrange a get-acquainted meeting if you're curious about him. NOT a date - just a short PUBLIC conversation. If, as I suspect, he's rather shy you'll have to be rather direct: something like, "At 2:00 I'll be on break in the food court for 15 minutes." Start the conversation about the store - maybe, "I'm thinking about a career in retailing and I wondered what you'd like to change about our store." With just a few questions, you can keep it entirely about "the store" for 10 or 15 minutes until you "really MUST leave!". Let him know there isn't any more by thanking him for his ideas. (Next time he comes in be warm and courteous - but keep to business.) Or . . . you can let the talk drift to other topics if you'd like . . .

    It's not much different from telling a High School classmate (of the opposite sex), "I missed the pages for the History reading assignment - can I get it from you in Study Hall?". One caution: someplace between a courteous greeting, and public making-out, your employer will draw a line about how staff can interact with customers. Of course, even that is an opening: "I have to go process returns now, but I'll be off at 6:00."

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