i am going to be a senior in high school this year. so i have been thinking about college a lot lately. i have colleges i know i would like to attend and almost sure what one i want to attend.

there are 2 main accomplishments(ok 3, if you count marriage but...) i would like to do in my life and i feel like i have to decide between them for college, because they are both similar and different. similar in the sense that they are both aspects of art. different in the fact that they are 2 completely different expressions of art. one is visual art and the other is music... i am not sure which one suits me best...

*being in school band(accepted because of my talents on guitar without being able to read or write music) with stringed instruments(guitar and bass) and percussion

*learned how to read and write music exceptionally well during the last school year

*3 guitar solos last year, school christmas concert(is there anybody out there?-- pink floyd) and when my band ditched me at a snow queen talent contest, i still wanted to do something, so i opened the program with my own rendition of the star spangled banner, and lastly, my own version of the safaris' wipeout song at a school play.

*recieved many compliments from both band directors, audiences of people who watched me perform(many of which i didnt know) and support from family and friends

*creative writing award at my school for my works(only awarded to 3 people per 5 years)

* i love writing and making up things on guitar

* i have good quality guitars and accessories( a $250 guitar and $300 amp[60watts, 12in speaker], along with $200 of effects pedals)

visual art-wise

*was in art class 2 years in a row(fresh and soph years) was complimented by fellow students and teachers for my work

*i love drawing, painting, and making anything

*i administrate 5 websites as a profession(also redesigned their websites); 3 news companies, a publishing industry, and a well known photographer in my district.

*i own a digital camera and enjoy photography(and photo manipulation)

*i am exceptionally experienced with the following 2d and 3d concept art programs;

adobe photoshop(7, cs, cs2)
3ds max 5(waving my hoover flag... cant afford the newer editions)
axeledge(low end 3d modeling program)
and just recently started using unreal editor 2 for educational use.
rpg maker (2k, 2k3, xp)
game maker

*i have designed several advertising brochures and media kits with adobe indesign and other publishing programs

*have a knick for videogames and 3d art

in my short 17 years of living, art has become my life, and in my perfect world, i could be a musician AND a 2d/3d artist for games and movies... but i have to start somewhere. it would be wise to choose one to study and one to do for fun, however.

the school i would like to go to offers a 4 year(bachelor of arts) degree in both performing musical arts and multimedia art.
