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Thread: Need help in deciding!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Need help in deciding!

    Hi everyone! I have a girlfriend named Sarah and we have been together for almost 3 years. Since 10 months ago, I have been thinking of breaking up with her, and up until now I'm still not sure whether to break up with her. She is loving and caring, but I think the spark in our relationship has been lost. Sex hasn't been an issue for us since we're open to each other and we both enjoy it. Sarah has been always a supportive girlfriend up until now, I maybe acting selfishly but honestly my interest for her has just faded away.

    I also met a girl named Janet which I knew quite a long time around 2 years already, but I asked her out like 2 months ago. I know its wrong, but I was very excited to ask her out and I didn't know why. I'm just really lost right now. We had like 3 dates, we never make out, it was simply a friendly date for me. Problem with Janet is she's pretty, but her attitude isn't that good, she doesn't care much and she is quite shy. I already tried to show some feelings for her, but she doesn't budge.

    I don't know what to do with my current relationship with Sarah, do you think I should break up with her? I have already tried to convince myself that something might happen so that our relationship would be better, but for me I feel that spark I was feeling from the start has just faded away. Janet on the other hand, isn't my ideal girl, but I guess I'm just really tired and lonely right now and need someone to talk to. Honestly, I am quite lost and don't know what to do. Should I try courting Janet?

    Hope you can leave any comments or suggestions, I would really appreciate it!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Sparks fade over time. You just have to rekindle it somehow. I actually don't think it's that difficult. Without knowing too much of your relationship with here and with what you told me, I think that's the route I would take.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    I think the decision you need to make is different. Either do work on getting the spark back with Sarah, communicate with her about it, or leave her. If you thought about leaving her for amost 1/3 time of your relationship, why are you still with her?!
    Dating other girls will not help you to get the "spark" back with Sarah. So much on the contrary. Please don't mess her around! Especially if she is such a nice and caring person. Be a decent man.
    Janet might be messed around by you as well by those "friendly" date while you have a long-term girlfriend.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    maybe your "feelings" towards janet are making you feel less about sarah because janets not giving you what you want so therefore shes a "chase" as sarah isnt . sarahs your safety net and your just cutting it open . your going to regret what youve done to this poor girl upto now , dating other girls whist being is a relationship is disgusting .

    how would you react if sarah was to do the same to you ? betrayed? heartbroken? upset? on edge? angry ?

    i hope sarah realises what an ass you are and dumps you in the blue before you take advantage of her heart!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    I actually already talked with Sarah and she does gets sad and tries to do something so that we can have the spark back. It does come back like a week or so, but then unfortunately, it disappears again. And good point with:
    If you thought about leaving her for amost 1/3 time of your relationship, why are you still with her?!
    Honestly, I'm still lost. I know it sounds cliche, but I am.
    Feeling guilty and all, I actually stopped dating Janet eventually, but of course I still like her (maybe as a friend, or more) but I don't tell anyone about it.
    I think I'll just try to rekindle the spark with Sarah and I do hope that my feelings for her will return.

    I understand that it is my fault, but I stopped dating Janet anyway since I felt guilty after the dates. I also knew Janet for 2 years already, but only liked her like 2 months ago, while the spark with Sarah has already been lost way before, around 10 months ago. Anyway, thanks for your insight.

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