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Thread: She's a Psycho

  1. #1
    Junket's Avatar
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    She's a Psycho

    It's a bit long so I made bold enough of it that anybody who doesn't have enough patience can skim through it.

    So this chick, who I used to like, (but rejected me) calls me cause she's bored. The past couple days she's been calling me, most of which I've ignored. So today, I figure, "why the hell not?". I mean, I needed to clean up the house and such cause my dad installed new rugs I figured she could help me out. On a side note, I was incredibly horny. Anyway, so she comes over, and helps me with the crap and I basically molested her the entire time. We end up goin' over my friend's house, more my friend than her's. I suggest takin' seperate cars, but she's like "no no, I'll drive". She is one of the worst drivers I've ever been in the car with. For one she doesn't use turning signals, she can't talk and focus what's goin' on around her at the same time, and gets mad at me when I say stuff like "um, that's a red light..." but all in all, we get there safely. Couple hours go by, we're hangin' out, I wanna go home, and of course that means she has to take me. I actually suggest that I drive, to my house, then she drives from there. But she's like "no, you're not insured". So I'm like, okay, I must be over reacting.

    We get in the car, and head off, as usual not using her turning signal. (it's night mind you) and everything is goin' well until right before we get to the boulevard. There's an intersection right before the boulevard, and it was a red light, well...she kinda "over sees" the redlight, drives right the **** through it. I point it out to her, and she hits the breaks after we pass through it. I'm already freaked out, she goes and turns in the wrong lane then asks me "I can get in the other lane...can't I?" AAAAAAAHHHH! I'm tryin' to be passive through all of this, I tell her to that the merging lane is comin' up, she stops, looks, it's clear (it's 1 AM so there's very little traffic) and goes, then she crosses two ****in' lanes to the third (illegal) and almost hits this car behind us cause she thought she had to turn at this intersection. At this point I'm just staring out my window just hoping that if I don't say anything she'll stay focused on the road. But apparently my silence provokes her further, she starts getting all emotional. "Why can't you just drop it?! It's behind us now! Did I hit any cars? No! We didn't get any tickets and we didn't get hurt! What is your problem? You're not gonna tell them are you? Are YOU?!" (I never said a damn thing). Basically she tried to make me feel bad because of her stupid mistakes, and then I try to be cool about it and thank her for the ride and she just tells me to get out of her car. What a ****IN' WHACK JOB. I'm sorry guys, I had to get it out.

    EDIT: Just wanna make a note that she got her license 2 weeks after she got her permit...and already totaled her first car, it was "the other guy's fault"
    Last edited by Junket; 10-02-05 at 03:48 PM.

  2. #2
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    that mustve been the scariest ride. glad u made it home safe.
    i think she jsut started panicing cuz u looked paniced and she couldnt concentrate, so if u go on the scary ride again even if ur scared try to laugh about it and just turn it into jokes etc.....

    she reminds me of my grandad, he screams at drivers if they pass him on the higway or they drive 5 metres or less behind him. he literally stops the car and gets himself ready for a physical fight

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by LaydeeSarah
    i think she jsut started panicing cuz u looked paniced and she couldnt concentrate, so if u go on the scary ride again even if ur scared try to laugh about it and just turn it into jokes etc.....
    She backed into and busted my friends front door while trying to back out and drive out the in entrance of the one way parking lot...if that helps illustrate her driving competence any...
    Last edited by Junket; 10-02-05 at 02:29 PM.

  4. #4
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    who gave her license?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by LaydeeSarah

    who gave her license?
    I seriously think the dude gave her her license cause she was a girl...even I failed the first time. All my male friends have failed their first time, and all of them are very good drivers. Many of my female friends got it their first time...

  6. #6
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    hey does that mean i will get my restricted that easy too?

    i have a problem with someone watching me and i dont any problems with driving but im too scared going for my full test cuz i hate being watched the way those guy do.
    ive been ddriving for 2 years, never had a ticket, or anything problems but im sooo scared T_T

    i hope wut ur saying is true. the would be awesome if i get my license just like that

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by LaydeeSarah
    hey does that mean i will get my restricted that easy too?

    i have a problem with someone watching me and i dont any problems with driving but im too scared going for my full test cuz i hate being watched the way those guy do.
    ive been ddriving for 2 years, never had a ticket, or anything problems but im sooo scared T_T

    i hope wut ur saying is true. the would be awesome if i get my license just like that
    This is what I did to help me. I basically narrated to the instructor everything I was doing, and was gonna do as I drove, like, "Alright...here's a stop sign...stopping...alright I'm checkin' my left, nobody, and my right...nobody, left just to make sure, alright, looks like I'm clear" This way, you're letting them know ahead of time what you're going to do, plus it helped me focus so I didn't forget anything. I know it may sound dumb, but my instructor got a kick out of it, and passed me with flyin' colors. Another thing, if you haven't already, find out what the driving course is at your driving center, and practice it. Don't take anything likely, make sure you stop, make sure you check all your blind spots and such just get in a habit for the test, (cause nobody drives like that in real life). Also, ask your instructor if they prefer your headlights to be on, my one friend failed because the instructor just "preferred" them to be on as a safety precaution, mine didn't care. Just stuff like that.

  8. #8
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    In Your BaseMent! AHH
    Wow, this girl is CRAZY. haha Frasbee man, jesus. I would of bene like who cares if I ain't got insurance *****, at least I can drive right, so insurance isn't a factor for me. I hate girls and PEOPLE who do stuff like this girl did (blame everything on someone else cause they are so ****ing stupid).

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laguna
    Wow, this girl is CRAZY. haha Frasbee man, jesus. I would of bene like who cares if I ain't got insurance *****, at least I can drive right, so insurance isn't a factor for me. I hate girls and PEOPLE who do stuff like this girl did (blame everything on someone else cause they are so ****ing stupid).
    At this point, all I have to say is, NEVER AGAIN.

  10. #10
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    lol frasbee thats a good way of focusing, ill rememeber that one.

    so what ur going out with her? if yes u have a gf whos a crazy driver?

  11. #11
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    i would go out tonight but i haven't got a thing to wear. this man said, it's gruesome that someone so handsome should care...

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by LaydeeSarah
    lol frasbee thats a good way of focusing, ill rememeber that one.

    so what ur going out with her? if yes u have a gf whos a crazy driver?
    Nah, not my girlfriend, I liked her once though. (what was I thinking?!) I was just bein' a horny bastard that day, that's really the only reason why I saw 'er, didn't really expect to get any, but I tried nonetheless.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by misombra
    i would go out tonight but i haven't got a thing to wear. this man said, it's gruesome that someone so handsome should care...
    Hey, come to ska show with me and my friends! You don't need to look good in the skank pit...then again, who really looks good in a skank pit?

  14. #14
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    what the hell is a skank pit?

    but i do look good skankin.

    i'll go but it has to be someone good.

    thanks for the invite.

  15. #15
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    at least you got out alive and in one piece

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