I feel pathetic even posting this, but I'm going crazy and need some advice.

I started a relationship again last October after an 8 year hiatus. I wasn't initially looking, but Boyfriend was persistent, and eventually won me over after 8 months.

Everything was fine for the first four months, and then Boyfriend started student teaching, which is brutal and time-consuming. I gave him space, and things were still okay, but we couldn't see each other as much. This bothered me but I didn't tell him.

May comes, and suddenly there is a personality shift. Student teaching ends, and I assume I'm going to get Boyfriend's attention again. WRONG. Texting between us has dropped off, as has IMing. He never called on the phone, so that's the same. He began to turn me down when I asked him to do things, or started cancelling last minute. I think the most upsetting thing is that the affection/doting has dropped off.

I confronted him about all this, but he didn't know there was a problem. He told me that he has "other priorities" as well as me, and that I should get more hobbies. (?!) Right now, I see him 2-3 times a week, and, while I would like more, that has been okay for me-- I don't consider that "clinging."

The thing that bothers me is that, now 9 months into it, it seems like it is getting LESS serious. I have brought this up to him, and even contemplating breaking up with him three times, but he insists he wants to be with me and that he loves me.

What should I do? Is this just a case of different priorities?