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Thread: How into me is she and why do certain Women do this ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    How into me is she and why do certain Women do this ?

    Hiya Ladies!

    I've been single for about 4 years but about 3months ago I started dating this girl and made it official about 3 months ago,

    I think it's past relationships that has this effect on me but how into me does she seem do you think?

    Shes more or less available anytime for me
    We hug and constantly make-out - she initiates more than I do
    She wanted me to meet the parents - which I have done
    we messaged each other everyday - with her saying miss you
    After a night of a movie she go's home and i tell her to message me when shes home safe - within minutes she messages miss you lots
    she wants to see me more or less everyday if i let her (I don't because i still need my own space)
    I know she wants to say I love you but says I like you instead
    She stairs at me a lot with the eyes of love

    list goes on

    But from a previous relationship 4 years ago which was a bad one for me getting taken for granted and etc and the ex more or less cheated on me, I still find myself thinking does she really love me, am I the only one she wants .... I did say to her last night """ Are you ok with me expressing my feelings towards you and its not to much ? she replied no of course not don't stop I love it """"

    Think it's just something i need to adjust to again, having someone in my life and this question on here is more of a comforting thing for people to tell me to shut up and of course she does lol silly I know hehe, I am 25 and she is 22

    Last part is why do certain women do the below ?

    Why does my girlfriend feel the need to tell me shes get tooted along the road by guys in the car?

    someone today at work said I had a amazing bum

    Things like that, It does bother me slightly and it's not like I don't give her compliments as I do a lot and i show affection towards her as well , Just confuses me.

    I tend to shun when she does it like laugh and move on to different subject but last night I thought right Ill say something that a girl said to me yesterday " Have you been working out ? I like a man with big shoulders " I think she might of got a bit jealous and turned over in bed lol, I rarely act childish but hey.

    any ideas? please

    thanks ladies

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    About her comments:
    I think it depends a lot on HOW she says those things, her body language, etc.

    You've only been together for 3 months, maybe she's just testing out how easily you get jealous or how you react to certain situations.

    Or maybe she's simply telling you about her day. I mean, in my last relationship (4 years), I used to mention it quite a lot when random creeps tried to flirt with me, usually because it was kinda funny or unexpected.

    You know, you could always just ask her why she keeps telling you stuff like that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by gallifrey View Post
    About her comments:
    I think it depends a lot on HOW she says those things, her body language, etc.

    You've only been together for 3 months, maybe she's just testing out how easily you get jealous or how you react to certain situations.

    Or maybe she's simply telling you about her day. I mean, in my last relationship (4 years), I used to mention it quite a lot when random creeps tried to flirt with me, usually because it was kinda funny or unexpected.

    You know, you could always just ask her why she keeps telling you stuff like that.

    Hmm I can't really say on how her body language is when she says these type of things, but also you could be right that she is just testing the water ... It doesn't overly get me jealous but just tends to annoy me in thinking why would she want to tell me, I am a guy that rarely reacts to those type of comments I more hold in inside (Bad or good who knows) I think next time she mentions it I might just say " I really don't want to know (in a nice way of course) " because I never tell her about those type of things in my day because it's unnecessary I find.

    But from what I wrote in my first paragraph it does seem she madly inlove/likes me doesn't it ? ahhhh this relationship malarky is scarey and confusing totally forgot how it felt lol


  4. #4
    lalalita's Avatar
    lalalita Guest
    She wants to see if you get jealous. Rational jealously is a normal and healthy thing in a flourishing relationship, and shows your partner you see them as "yours". Careful with this. If she's looking for a certain reaction from you, getting jealous/possessive, and she continually doesn't get it, she may look at it as a sign that you're not that into a serious relationship with her.

    I think there is a time in every relationship, once things get serious, that jealousy is normal.

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