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Thread: What would possess a guy...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    What would possess a guy...

    What would possess a guy... to start seeing someone again he dated for about a year but says he doesn’t want to date exclusively bcuz it screwed things up before (actually he confesses he had never really wanted to be exclusive) and after seeing each other again about 4 months acts weird one night at dinner and the next time you get together says he’s started to develop feelings toward you recently (that’s why he was weird at dinner) and doesn’t want to bcuz he doesn’t want to be involved with you in a heavy duty relationship.

    The next week he showers you with more attention (emails/phone calls) than ever (after you didn’t think you’d probably never hear from him again) but you don’t respond to anything. He leaves a message at the end of the week saying he’s bummed he didn’t get to talk with you all week and he’s going away for a week and won’t be able to be reached (remote camping/hiking site) and has been and will miss you and will talk to you soon.

    You don’t hear from him for over 2 weeks after that. You finally call him and he says he has to get something off his chest. He’s not sure he can see you anymore unless something changes. He says you’ve probably have been getting mixed messages from him. You say yes, you didn’t think you’d even hear from him much anymore. He says he was emotional and needy the week before his trip but his head cleared while on the trip. Then he mentions maybe we should take a break for a while or call it off completely. He says he’s considered being platonic but that it would be torture for him. So you ask him why can’t he just go with his feelings and he says he doesn’t want to be involved with you in a heavy duty relationship bcuz it didn’t work out before.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Well, he sounds like a very emotionally distressed person, you know the kind that say I love you one day and I'm not so sure the next. If you're willing to go with that, and see if he can get passed it, then I guess go for him. If not, he sounds like a confusing person, and like you don't need that aggravation.

    "Don't let your memories kill you"
    I express my emotion by shooting things....

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