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Thread: Inside or out

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Inside or out

    Is a woman's appearance more important to you then, her heart, does the private things she tell you that mean a lot to her be heard or does it only get heard because you can use it to make your bed entrance easier.
    Do you think this woman talks from the heart just because she likes her own voice or do you see it as a way of her helping you to see how she thinks?

    Just interested in how men see women
    or are we just that hole or brood mare for most men.

    This is not how i assume all men to be and maxmax im sorry you took offence i just want to know why some men think this way
    Last edited by Kyrina; 21-08-11 at 08:43 PM.
    A mistake is always forgivable, rarely excusable and always unacceptable.
    Robert Fripp

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    London, England
    Sorry, but I find the point you're trying to get to, summarised by your last question quite offensive, and simply not worth a response.
    Last edited by maxmax; 21-08-11 at 08:06 PM. Reason: Typo
    -... --- --- -... .. . ...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Maxmax it is not my intention to offend anyone, im not referring to guys like you im asking a general question, you dont want to answer your progative but im in no means trying to offend the people here as im asking a question from a man's point of view not a generalisation of all men.If you was such a man you wouldnt be here on LF so therefore you dont count as one of these men.Your above that but as im not male i was asking why men tend to do think this way from the same chromosome brain not as the same personality.
    A mistake is always forgivable, rarely excusable and always unacceptable.
    Robert Fripp

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I don't understand why people ask these questions but word them in a way that we can clearly see the response you are looking for. If you want honest answers to such questions you should be asking them point blank and not letting your own views come through because then you are tainting the responses right off the bat. But I guess that's just so people can get the answers that they want to hear instead of what may be the truth.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Well O.k Kyrina......Do women see men as something more than just a big bank account to milk, and a shaft to ride?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Ok maybe im a little bias about it but i tend to write how i feel, my bad but im looking for why.
    Why is attraction so important to some and the emotions to other's?
    Yes im also a little angry and let that anger through but i assumed that also the men writing on this forum would see i wasnt getting at them i was talking about the other section of the male brigade.
    Also questions like this are asked as new members have come to the site and dont have the time to read back 30days in the hope of someone asking this question.Its important to me and not meant as offence to others,People on these forums are those who care about emotions, hearts etc but in real life these men seem damn hard to find
    A mistake is always forgivable, rarely excusable and always unacceptable.
    Robert Fripp

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Rafterman, from my point of view no i dont see men this way i have worked and did until my illness crippled me.However i see some women like this and to be honest i think they are no more than gutter rats to treat material things over emotional.I dont believe any woman is worth her salt if she see's any man for his wallet and what she can get out of being with him.
    I would love to have found a man that was able to consider my feelings and emotions and not just as a hole to fill,but it seems in RL these men are here on the pc and we only find what i can call a real man on the virtual world but they also bring the sleaze guys in virtual to so NO hell NO men are human too we all want to be loved for us and not for that car that wallet his hot ass or whatever we can leech from him.I just wondered if all men were trolls in most of rl and virtual and if the only real men that arent cruel and materialisic, and egotistical are those writing in this/these forums.It just seems we has a race have allowed visual and material to become important and have left the important heart on some butcher's slab.
    A mistake is always forgivable, rarely excusable and always unacceptable.
    Robert Fripp

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