Basically we were friends- he was in his 30's while I'm= 20's (girl). I moved away. Rang him twice which he was very happy about then he text me so I replied and I never got a response. Then a few days ago I text him asking him how he was & telling him he looked great, had to phone him to ask a question- asked him if that'd be alright. Once again got no reply. He had seen it though. This had been well over a day later. So I text him telling him I got the message loud and clear and that he could have just said no. I also pointed out how he never responds to my messages & just said 'goodbye'. He literally rang me instantly but I didn't answer as I was so hurt. Blocked his number from my phone. (NOT being immature just sick and hurt from all the mixed signals). Then last night our mutual friend who I haven't spoken to in about 5 months text me out of the blue. I also saw the guy in his thirties driving in to where I work now today. Confused... Opinions please?