I have been dating this girl for 3months and 2 weeks now. She did say she wanted to take it slow and we have been progressing ever since. I see her once or twice a week as we date and we always have a good time together.

In the first 3 months we have been progressing well, with some minor dips when she says we arent together and are just dating. Even though troughout all of this we talk openly about everything. She even said she wanted to marry me next year, showing me rings she wants.

I also chat with her troughout the day every day. two weeks ago it was her birthday and i showered her with gifts and roses. She gave me a kiss, first kiss 3months into the relationship. We started calling eachother love etc. She says shes my woman. And she says im good for her and that itl work out together.

Today she went out to a city with friends. Particularly when she goes to this city, she doesnt snap or text anything, while she usually does always snap showing her friends etc. She has been to this city 3 or 4 times since we started dating. Each time the same, no texts or snaps. Today shes staying the night there at a friends place. I texted her to text me when she arrives at her place, she agreed. But no texts whatsoever.

Then 2hours later she texts me again saying im annoying, calling and texting her. She says shes been sleeping and that we arent together. This hit me hard as she first says we are together and then we arent. Funny thing is her ex who cheated on her lives in this city or closeby.

I have been giving my everything these past 3 months. Always driving to her and taking her out. Buying her gifts and always paying for food. Ask her how shes doing and what not. I have come to realize she doesnt really give that much attention to me.

She has had 2 relationships of 2 years with her first one getting cheated on, and second one she was really mean which made the boy leave. 4years single after that, and dating a boy for 9 months who cheates on her, not even calling it a relationship even though they sleep together. She uses her past saying shes scared of a relationship.

Am i simply being used and led on? I want to confront her next time i see her but i dont know what to say. I need advice badly