I will cut to the chase

I had a very intense short lived relationship.with someone 2 years ago. There was definitely unfinished business. He was moving away and i always knew that but he left one day without telling me. Took the cowards way out and left me devestated

We didnt talk for 2 months but have spoken regularly ever since.

Last week we got into a very intense conversation about the past and i basically got told that i am not being honest with myself if i think the way he left meant he didnt feel how i did

He said he always thinks of me and misses me. That i have this way of getting him to open up when its usually hard. That i am his weakness/kryptonite (cliche i know) and that i became almost an addiction for him before he left

I asked quite.plainly why he wasnt here if that was the case and his regret was so strong ( as he claimed)
He said.. good question and that he finds it hard making decisions ( i know this is true of his character) but that he had been seriously thinking about coming back

I mentioned him visiting a week on and he brushed it off as tho the conversation had never happened

I like to think im quite an intelligent person but i genuinely dont know what to make of this.

Why tell me all that and then be so cold. Is this just a little game. And if so is it a normal game for a guy in his 30s? I have a little boy and no time or room for games.

Opinions would be appreciated..i am in a good place but completely adore him so its hard to brush off