Blurred lines
I recently got out of a long term relationship and somehow got tangled in a fwb situation. I wasnt looking for it, wasnt looking for anything to be honest. The friend and i have know each other for ages. We both liked each other so many years ago, it just didnt work out due to us not telling each other how we felt. After i broke off my long term relationship this friend and i started talking. He also just ended a long term relationship.

We both agreed we werent ready for anything. Somehow that turned into friends with benefits.

The whole fwb thing was good. We agreed to it verbally, but i feel like at times it was more coupley. Cuddling, talking, watching movies, asking personal questions, sleepovers, forehead kisses, etc..

He's going away for a long while and in our last hangout as we were talking he told me that he wouldnt be upset if i found someone while he's gone, that he would be happy for me.

I am wondering though, if we are just friends with benefits, isnt it obvious that he really has no right to be upset? Why is he mentioning it?

To be clear, i am over analyzing because i guess my old feelings for him got a little stirred up in the time we reconnected. Please help me over analyze lol.