Ok, so recently I’ve been hanging out a lot with one of my closer friends and I’m not sure what to think or do. I am really sexually attracted to her. The last three weekends we’ve been hanging out and drinking wine too at her place, just the two of us.

Couple weeks ago we were talking about relationships and she asked me why I was single, and she was pretty drunk and when I told her she “she was like really? you’re hot”, and I didn’t know how to respond, I don’t think it got a leads because we were both drunk so I kind of played it off.

Another thing I’ve noticed her body language too, sometimes I get the hair flick, or she’ll raise her eyebrows and smile, common body language signs. But sometimes I don’t either. I’ve noticed she’s been more open to me to, with like with her personal life and telling me what’s going on. Sometimes we don’t talk or hang out for awhile but when we do we always kick it off like where we left off.

So I just got back from hanging out from her place last night and we talked a little about sex I’m not sure who brought it up, but she didn’t nor did I ask about each other’s sexual histories, but she brought up masturbation saying one of her friends doesn’t masturbate and she says she does it and enjoys it, and she talked about porn not what she liked, but that she watched it when she masturbated. Then she was talking about relationships and telling me ,she wanted sex and she didn’t wanna cuddle afterwords or anything, she didn’t ask me she just blurted that out lol just telling me what she’s looking for?

I need some advice please! I’m probably over analyzing but she never talked sex stuff with me or ever called me hot until recently when she was drunk and we’ve known each other for a good 13 years but I’ve found my self really sexually attracted to her . I also think perhaps she got more comfortable around me and just wants someone to talk that stuff with? Or do you just not talk about sexual stuff with people you don’t want to have sex with?