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Thread: My supervisor likes me, what do I do??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2018

    My supervisor likes me, what do I do??

    Hey everybody,

    I just feel it would be super awkward trying to explain this situation to my sister, so I've decided to get opinions from you lot on whether or not my suspicions are even remotely correct, and what to do about the situation.

    So for the past month or so, I've been working at a company that's pretty close knit. I feel like my coworkers and I are pretty much just in a big old family. However, there's one supervisor I have that acts absolutely weird around me and I've come under the suspicion that he fancies me.

    For starters, he came by to visit my post (and that wasn't such a weird thing because hey he's my supervisor), but he stayed for a good hour or so talking up a storm about home, the weather, just this and that. I had just started working there at the time, so I figured he was just a talkative person trying to get to know a new worker, until my other coworker remarked that he has never stayed that long to talk to anyone before. Still, I just brushed it aside and moved on.

    There was even a week after that where all we did was awkward small talk when we saw each other in passing and such, so I thought he really had been just introducing himself before. However, just this past two weeks, he's been everywhere I go around work! He's the person putting me on break and usually taking me off, he walks me to/from my post, and I feel like now I know all sorts of pointless things about him because he talks a LOT about his life and experiences (it's almost funny).

    What's even funnier is that for my section of the company there are at least ten supervisors, so why on Earth is he the only one who ever seems to be bringing me anywhere (I move money around, and can't do it unsupervised)? That's when I started finding things a teeensy bit odd.

    What really put the icing on the cake for me though, was when he asked about what I do on my days off and suggested going to this one place together that he hasn't got the "courage" to visit on his own. What a load of jerky. Also, when I added another coworker on snapchat, I joked about him getting one too and sure enough he actually went and made one.

    More presently though... This morning, I came into work but I hadn't gotten notified about my change in schedule for the day (I had a day off) and I just wasn't bothered to walk back home in the rain so I sat in the bus stop outside. Guess who randomly appeared at the bus stop? None other than my strange supervisor. He then proceeded to sticking around for almost two hours (I didn't want to leave him in the middle of conversation because it would've been more awkward) with the excuse that he didn't want to leave the bus shelter and get soaked by the rain. Even though he was literally wearing a raincoat.

    The most bait part about it is that, he put his hand on my arm for a good few before sending me on my way, and he even walked with me all the way out of that bus stop. Into the same rain he said he was trying to avoid.

    Honest to goodness, I really think he fancies me. I mean the signs are all there, I just don't know what to do about it! How do I handle a situation like this?? (Also, sorry for how choppy this post is, I kind of ramble when I'm stressed out by something.)

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