Alright, embarassing piss off last night. Was out at a club, I didn't know many people there other then my friends who were running the party. Anyway then I bumped into this girl I had met at a party a few months ago. She's a cousin of a friend of mine. I remembered her and reintroduced myself, we chatted for a second then both kept going. Well later on in the night, I bumped into her again, we talked this time, and well we started dancing, grinding..etc. I actually could have pulled a one nighter with this girl. (Did I mention she is unbeleivably hot?!) - But low and behold my luck, I drank to much, had to piss and well couldn't keep it up while dancing, so she moved on. I don't know what's more embarassing, not being able to hold an erection or having a girl who was super into you loose interest....

man that sucked.....