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Thread: What you ladies think about profession?

  1. #1
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    What you ladies think about profession?

    So the stereotype is that the ladies will prefer a "professional" over a "non-professional" or perhaps very well educated over not very well educated. How well does this hold up in reality? What about the stereotype of the ladies liking the doctors a lot?

    Now, I do also understand chemistry has a lot to do with it, too, but is the profession/education factor of high value?

  2. #2
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    I want a man who has made the most of his opportunities, whatever they have been.
    Spammer Spanker

  3. #3
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    I don't get this. I think this is like asking a guy if he wants a girl who is intelligent. I mean anything helps right? I think women like good looking guys but good looking + professional with a good job would not surprise me if they preferred. Under the "DUH..." theory.

    I still say **** all that and go with love!
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  4. #4
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    Yes..having a good profession is a valued quality in a man. The extent of his success or intelligence depends on the women. We like those who are similar to ourselves. Women who care about intelligence and education in a man would certainly uphold those values for herself. Women who puts huge emphasis on character and warmth in a person certainly cares to be that sort of person. And those who puts wealth and success as the most important in a man certainly aspires to that factor. The question you should ask is what kind of women YOU prefer and then aspire to those qualities. But I think LOVE comes first and is the basis for everything else. You can't have a decent relationship without it.

  5. #5
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    what giga said.

    profession/career is definitely a factor. But, a lot factors into it. If someone was just kinda born into a good education and cushy job, that's different from someone who didn't have such a good education or such a desirable profession, but they worked hard to get those things.
    And also.. what if there's a confounder here? What if the *type* of guys who succeed in the workplace do so because they are ambitious and talented, and *that's* what attracts women? It's difficult to separate that out.

    Also, yes, doctors are hot. on tv. kinda scared of them in real life.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by 92135011 View Post
    Now, I do also understand chemistry has a lot to do with it, too, but is the profession/education factor of high value?
    Ahh! I have to get in contact with an old friend of mine who specializes in Divorce..

    There was a book he was showing me, talking about back when he was taking some classes with me.. I think the title was something like "The Divorce Industry"

    Basically it talked about how men may have made the Fortune 500, but women are the new CEOs in the Divorce Industry.. (clearly a sexist book.. this is the other extreme of Femenism.. Male-ism.. nearly just as retarded)

    The book began:

    divorce, n. (latin. divorctium); "1. to take a man's wallet by ripping it through his genitals, 2. punishment for being stupid enough to marry the b*tch, 3. the long way around buying a house for a woman you don't like, 4. introduction to Ch.14 (Reasons for Pre-nupts)"

    It offers a case study which blew me away.. the first man in America to have a net worth in excess of one billion dollars.. (I forgot his name, but that's because it's not important).. He was never married, but had 17 girlfriends, all of which lived with him in his 30-bedroom house.. From age 54 until he passed away in his mid-70's he enjoyed the company of over 80 of the youngest and most beautiful women in California.. None of them found their way to his Estate, but his Will made mention of them to offer gifts of $50,000.. all the way to a generous $1 million to some ladies.. Torn apart by his death.. as he was still sitting warm and cozy in his new casket.. all these lovely ladies filed suit to claim part/all of his estate..

    Many studies show (U.S., U.K., E.U.) that women will find the "same man" more attractive in a designer suit, driving a high-end luxury car, having information that he owns a large/expensive house to which they may even see, finding out information about his earnings/income "high", and after they were told of his occupational status as a "business man/investor"..

    Participants (female) were asked to rate two men.. (they didn't know that this was really the same guy).. On day 1, an ordinary-looking man sat in a chair while women looked at him through a glass window.. They were asked to guess what occupation he did (most guessed teacher, librarian, unemployeed).. how much income he made.. and after a long list of other questions, how attractive he was.. (these women were shown a folder containing a picture of his real house "inside/out", his car, and a personal description of him by his friends.. (Average rating? 5.4)

    The next day! The same women were asked to rate a "different" man.. They were handed that "folder" (with the inside/outside of a celebrity's house, "his" car, and the same exact friend descriptions "none of them caught on").. All women were asked to rate how they thought "this" man looked.. (Average rating? 9.3)

    The whole game was made to show the primacy-effect (When you hear someone is "Cold-person" v.s "Warm-person", even if the same words follow after that "smart, funny, interesting, hard-working, etc" you will see them all through the context of that first word.. this is the basis of first impressions "the friend descriptions where the same!").. but by complete accident, it revealed what's really attractive to women..

    Obviously.. no woman wants to feel that "hey.. damn strait I like a man's wallet & accounts".. (some are open, honest, and mature enough to be able to say it.. like Mis & Giga).. but most will try and cover it up through something faintly-plausable.. but not really.. you may have heard it, it sounds something like this: "Well, if he's successful and rich, it means that he must be a passionate person who's driven.. which mean's that maybe he's better in bed.. and it's not really the success and money that I find attractive.. but the fact that he's ambitious! Oh yeah! Ambition is so sexy.. I don't know why.. It's one of those qualities that's not really good for anything.. but I hope you'll buy that I like it more than success & money.. because I don't want you to think that i'm cheap, and I sure don't like feeling like I am either.." (I actually sympathize with women on this one.. What they REALLY want to say is that they don't actually find the fact that a man is successful, rich, wealthy, in and of itself to be attractive.. but rather, they enjoy and love the way that makes them FEEL when they're around such a man.. protected, safe, secure, comfortable, powerful)

    Honestly.. when you have the luxury of finding yourself in a group of women and they take the chance to interrogate you.. "So, what do you like about a girl?".. Tell me a man who answers "A really nice @ss, that drives me wild.. but she also has to have really great-looking breasts too.. and legs.. I love legs.. and she can't be fat, but not too skinny either.. and no flabby skin.. very firm & toned.. great stomach and hips.. a stunning face with sensual lips and hypnotic eyes.. oh.. and emotional stability.. can't forget that..".. That's what you want to answer.. that's what I answer.. I don't care.. let them get angry.. let them feel self-conscious.. but obviously 99.99999% of guys wouldn't dare (and even I wouldn't advise you to either).. So instead you pick on the one "non-shallow" thing you can.. "emotional stability" and artfully expand on it.. "she has to be fun, great sense of humor, very lively and playful.. outgoing.. comfortable with herself.. smart and interesting.. artistic & creative (this one actually does make me melt, I don't know why).. friendly towards other people and her friends.. loving towards other people and her family.. etc.."

    Case Study:

    I have a friend of mine, let's call him George.. 6'2", 190lbs, not-athletic/but-toned, very fun, friendly, and warm guy.. I absolutely love him.. If I was a girl.. I would date him just because of his magnetic/genuine/warm personality alone.. Anyway.. we're out at a bar.. and me and him are hogging up two spaces but make room between the two of us for people to come and get drinks.. Finally, a 8.5-9 comes to order as me and George were seriously in the middle of talking.. She flicks her hair, then starts to consciously play with it, she tilts her body, consciously pretends to not notice either me or George so she can act disinterested.. I can't resist the opportunity to blurt out "You know, if you want to talk to us, all you have to do is ask nicely" I smile at her and look into her eyes as if to tell her "I know, and you're not fooling anyone with that act of yours".. and after some sh*t-tests and b*tch-acts, she started being herself and relaxed.. She was there with 3 other girl-friends, we got her to bring them all over to our side of the bar.. The whole night (it was George's night) the focus was on George.. I was throwing stories about him out there, indirect compliments about him, playing games and letting George shine.. There was a moment where George had the spot-light.. he had all 4 of them all over him.. they all wanted to be part of his life.. and that moment was just before one of them asked "So, what do you do?" (George fixes computers for a living and hasn't even finished college).. All of a sudden, the chemistry changed.. All girls moved back, they put on fake smiles.. you can feel them emotionally withdraw from their interaction with him.. none of them wanted to emotionally invest in the interaction and allow themselves to develop feelings for a man (George) who didn't have a certain status and level of financial security.. even the one that was already falling for him was withdrawing herself from the interaction..

    Lesson: Guy (George) goes into group, women like him for "who" he is.. all of a sudden, they want to know "what" he does.. it's clearly not something too pleasing, but it's so important that this information alone is enough to outweigh all the time spent in great conversation, fun, George's looks, magnetic personality, and character.. to the point where they all lose interest..
    Last edited by GrkScorp; 14-02-08 at 02:49 PM.
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  7. #7
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    GrkScorp, that was the sort of reply I was thinking I might get. Like the above, I do believe love is important, but I also do think love is a feeling as much as it is a choice. I do think what women prefer is variable, but as a general sense, I would argue that success (in any particular field) is an asset that is almost a prerequisite for love.

    GrkScorp said it best in his case study. But, I do know a few women who have said quite openly - someone who has greater/equal education background and/or professional status.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by 92135011 View Post
    But, I do know a few women who have said quite openly - someone who has greater/equal education background and/or professional status.
    I only felt compelled to pick at this, not because there was anything wrong with it.. but the "said quite openly" just flipped a switch in my head..

    A word on that..

    I usually ask women all the time, and i'm sure you and every other guy does to.. we're not alone, and women do it to guys.. it's part of regular conversation "What do like in a man?"

    When a woman tells you.. "I love tall guys".. while she may very well feel attracted to a "tall" guy.. I can bet you serious money that I can hook up one of my short friends with her.. Why? Because when she says "tall" what she really means is "how a tall man makes her feel".. how it feels to be around a tall man.. so, that translates to "I like being next to a man that will make me feel protected and safe, a man that won't let anything happen to me, I like that feeling.. I like it so much that it's sexy and arousing at times.."

    So when she says "greater/equal education".. believe me.. there are very few women who will wet their pants as they gaze onto your degree(s) & certificate(s).. In fact, i've had this thrown on me plenty of times.. this is what it translates to.. (brace yourself.. seriously)..

    1. Earning potential (She's not stupid.. but she doesn't want to say "money", maybe she's not even consciously thinking it.. but she IS thinking about her future, and money, earnings, income, wealth, financial security & stability are all important considerations for her.. Instead of sounding cheap and after your account.. chances are, if you're well educated, she can pretty much gauge how your financial health and level of success are going to be.. "honors? GPA?" are common inserts and follow-ups.. chances are, if you were successful and hardworking there, it's a good indicator of what will follow.. so she just gauged for earning potential via a slightly indirect route.. P.S. in NY, I have to deal with NYC JAPs all the time, the ones that lack good-old chutzpah to ask me directly often result to this)

    2. Intellectual Stimulation (She likes to be able to hold an intellectually stimulating conversation with someone and not just talk about "stuff".. She likes the feeling of being in a relationship with a smart and deep person who will in turn make her feel that was aswell.. Also, imagine how great she'll feel to know that she can show you off to her friends.. the old "My husband's a doctor, my husband's a lawyer, my husband owns the company both your husbands work for" case.. women don't just like to show off.. they LOVE to show off.. and to not seem shallow amung their friends.. they like to indirectly show off their guys and the stuff their guys do/get for them.. relax.. there's good news! Intellectual Stimulation is free.. she would LOVE to FEEL that feeling of showing off to her friends of what a great guy you are.. how smart you are.. what you do.. etc.. because that in turn suggests all the other things she's getting and feeling.. but it costs you nothing extra.. seriously.. you already got your education.. take a deep breath.. put your wallet back in)

    3. Openess & Agreeableness (You hear statisticians make the same tragic bias after every Presidential election.. "There is a positive correlation between the level of education and voting for the Democratic Party; therefore Democrats must be smarter".. My quick answer to that is NO! The reason we can't say YES to this is because there's an other factor involved.. people with a higher level of education tend to also be less narrow-minded, more open-minded, accepting of entertaining new ideas, and generally more agreeable people.. it comes then to no suprise Mr. Ph.D in Political Statistics why these people would naturally agree with a more liberal ideology, and hence tend to vote largely Democrat.. But back to the point.. your level of education is also a gauge for how likely you are to be open & agreeable.. always a positive quality in a man.. women don't like to argue.. and when they're in the mood to argue.. they like to feel like they won.. and open/agreeable men make them feel that way)

    4. Better Sex (I sh*t you not.. I read this on the Wall Street Journal.. wives whos husbands had advanced/graduate degrees claimed they enjoyed sex more on average compared to wives whos husbands did not have advanced/graduate degrees.. The scale was from 1-5.. and the first group averaged 3.8 while the other group averaged 2.9 "almost an entire point!".. obviously there are a whole range of factors that come into play that the study doesn't account for.. advanced degrees means more income, less work for the wife, less stress between the two, more time together, quality/happy time, and naturally better sex.. but a lot of women believe that if the man's upper-head works really well.. he'll be creative and imaginative enough to find crazy/new ways to please her with both the upper & lower head (and even discover ways to use both.. jk).. that he'll himself grow bored of doing the same thing over and over again and seek out new forms of stimulation to prevent sex from getting boring.. this 4th category is a little tangent.. but it's out there)

    Moral of the story.. what she SAYS.. and what she MEANS are two different things.. don't focus on WHAT she's saying or looking for.. just WHY she's saying it and what FEELING she likes to FEEL around a man like that..
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrkScorp View Post
    4. Better Sex (I sh*t you not.. I read this on the Wall Street Journal.. wives whos husbands had advanced/graduate degrees claimed they enjoyed sex more on average compared to wives whos husbands did not have advanced/graduate degrees.. The scale was from 1-5.. and the first group averaged 3.8 while the other group averaged 2.9 "almost an entire point!"..
    LOL, you don't happen to have a link for this do you? I like leaving articles like this around for my husband to find. Fun!
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrkScorp View Post
    divorce, n. (latin. divorctium); "1. to take a man's wallet by ripping it through his genitals, 2. punishment for being stupid enough to marry the b*tch, 3. the long way around buying a house for a woman you don't like, 4. introduction to Ch.14 (Reasons for Pre-nupts)"
    Ha, I have a friend who gives free marriage advice as follows:

    Don't get married. Just find a nice girl you like & give her your house. (Lloyd got mad at that one, lol)
    Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by IndiReloaded View Post
    LOL, you don't happen to have a link for this do you? I like leaving articles like this around for my husband to find. Fun!
    Link, no.. I actually get the paper version delivered..

    I'll save it for you though and search up the article one day.. foward you the link.. how is this an article that you want your husband to read? A little too late for him to go for a higher level of education isn't it?
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by IndiReloaded View Post
    Don't get married. Just find a nice girl you like & give her your house. (Lloyd got mad at that one, lol)
    Ahh.. lol

    I love it.. i'm going to tell my friend James about it right away.. he specializes in Divorce.. i'll tell him to say "just find a nice girl you really like" very slow.. pause.. and then finish the sentence..

    (In that brief .5 second pause, the unconscious mind is thowing images to the conscious mind of how that sentence can be completed.. so i'm sure his clients will be thinking of "friends with benefits, flings, and keep finding such girls, etc.." they'll never see it comming)

    Very cute
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by 92135011 View Post
    What about the stereotype of the ladies liking the doctors a lot?
    I'll tell you this.. if it had to do with the financials only.. the stereotype would be for guys in the Forbes 500 or investment bankers.. but it's not..

    - Here's what there is to the doctor appeal on a totally unconscious level that most women aren't even aware of, some are, but most are not.. Imagine getting to know a guy who's good-looking, has a great job (status/financials), makes you feel great about yourself, you have a great time when you're around him, and he's a really amazing guy (personality/character).. Good so far?.. OK.. Now.. as an added bonus, he's just spent the past 4 years of his life learning about the human body (or so you think).. and he knows things about your body that maybe you yourself don't.. the thought of such a man, knowing things about your own body that you don't.. is a powerful turn-on for a lot of women..

    - To reap in on some of this effect?

    Have a row of books on your bookshelf (5'5"-5'10" high, comfortable viewing range; easy for the eye to spot first).. Start off with the Merck Manual, then books on Anatomy (make sure you have a couple of them, they should be the majority), then some books of Reflexology, and Meditation, Tantra sex, and Steve P's book on sex & female orgasms.. (all on the same row.. from beginning to end)

    - I don't really need to spell it out for you, but on both a conscious and unconscious level, she'll be thinking.. "Merck Manual; "cares about his health, UC: parenting", Anatomy: Wow, this guy really likes to read up on Anatomy, he must know a lot, UC: sex, Reflexology: What the hell is that?, UC: Sounds like relax/massage to me, I could use one right now.. a good massage to.. relax now; Sex: Sex, UC: Sex + I wonder what he knows about my own body that I don't; they're on the SAME ROW! they're all related, maybe he's reading all those other books to apply them to sex.. maybe.. oh I can't wait to find out"

    Why keep the book on Relfexology you ask?

    - "I've been reading this new book lately on Relfexology.. yeah.. I still don't really know what it is either.. but basically you learn about points in the body that make you feel more relaxed.. kind of like a massage.. and kind of like pressure points.. but not really much of either.. some of the things though are supposed to be really relaxing though.." (As you reach for the book, take your time, there's no rush.. give the girl a chance to scan the row.. also, as she does, you've already reached for the book, and after you've made her curious.. it paves the path to a massage.. and her sexual thoughts racing as you fill her mind with other ideas)

    The beauty of this is that she'll have the same exact "unique" story to tell herself and her friends about what just happened..
    Last edited by GrkScorp; 14-02-08 at 06:22 PM.
    If you can't stop the Wind, then you can't stop the Storm.

  14. #14
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    wales, right next to the beach..
    I think women would prefer someone with a 'good' job because it's a clear indicator of stability. However we see so many women who actually go for deadbeats so..
    I think overall if you could have your man with a good job and presumably high income.. the majority of women would choose that.
    Men and women tend to get together with people who are at a similar level in their professions and who are of similar intelligence. It's the same with looks. People tend to go for, and get on with better, people who are of similar physical attractiveness because then there is less jealousy within the relationship.

    Doctors don't really do it for me. I'm probably a bit young to be all that concerned with my partners' professions. But I know I get turned on by the fact that my boyfriend is a snowboard instructor.. alot more than I would if he was an electrician or something. Even though an electrician would probably be on alot more money.
    Last edited by Babydoll; 14-02-08 at 09:25 PM.
    your boyfriend thinks I'm hot

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrkScorp View Post
    Earning potential (She's not stupid.. but she doesn't want to say "money", maybe she's not even consciously thinking it.. but she IS thinking about her future, and money, earnings, income, wealth, financial security & stability are all important considerations for her.. Instead of sounding cheap and after your account.. chances are, if you're well educated, she can pretty much gauge how your financial health and level of success are going to be.. "honors? GPA?" are common inserts and follow-ups.. chances are, if you were successful and hardworking there, it's a good indicator of what will follow.. so she just gauged for earning potential via a slightly indirect route.. P.S. in NY, I have to deal with NYC JAPs all the time, the ones that lack good-old chutzpah to ask me directly often result to this)
    I do understand this, but didn't want to spell it out as money, so that's why I said education, since as a general sense, it is directly related to money. The intellectual stimulation also falls under the education. How you get more pleasure from sex is a mystery, but it might have something to do with the mental side of the act. Might people get more aroused with those who give intellectual stimulation as well as the other perks in the set?

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