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Thread: Friends, but more?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Friends, but more?

    Hmm, I've heard about people being all kissy and just being friends. Friends with benefits if you wanna call it that. Anyone have experience with that? How would somone go about doing something like that anyways? Would you advise it? Some stories would be fun

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Anyone have experience with that?
    No. Had opportunities, but I'm a relatoinship kind of guy. No 'friends with benefits' for me.
    How would somone go about doing something like that anyways?
    You have to be friends first. And be attracted to each other. Then get it out in the open. Be flirtatious until one of you cracks and asks, "What are we?" Say you're more than friends, but you're not sure if you want to be in a relationship because you don't want to ruin the friendship. Then half-jokingly suggest "friends with benefits" to see his/her reaction. You say it as a half-joke because if they joke about it back, then you know they're not APPALLED by it and to pursue it further with more questions and trickery. Or they might not like it, but will simply say, "(s)he must be joking" and laugh as they explain that they wouldn't want to do it. The problem comes when they ask you, "Are you serious?" Then you have to be REAL sly and continue the smirk while you say stuff like "I don't know. I never really thought about it. But I think it'd be cool" or something like that.
    Would you advise it?
    No. Because I'd say about 80% - 90% of the time, one ends up developing feelings for the other one. And doesn't realize the feelings until the other one all of a sudden gets a boyfriend/girlfriend and then all of sudden you've lost your benefits, and you kick yourself in the ass because you start to realize just WHAT you've lost.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    San Diego, Ca
    From my past, I would say its not a good idea... because you tend to run into jealousy issues, whether its you or the other person.... also if something happens.. and that friend dispises' you... your gonna lose out on the nenefits, and the friend.
    Sucks to be single -_-;;

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Friends with benefits is definately NOT a good idea. Most times it ends badly and you lose the friend and the benefits. So, before you go and make the choice to move on to that next level with your firend think about it. Make sure your willing to lose that friend if one or both of you find someone else. Being friends with benefits doesn't go on forever, and someone usually gets hurt when they develop feelings and the other person doesn't. So, definately think about it before you do it.
    Never regret something from your past, everything happens for a reason.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    in my own little cube of insanity.
    i had a friend with benefits. we are still friends. it was a mutual agreement. we both liked each other and both came out of bad relationships,so we weren't ready to enter into another. i had the good aspect of it. we are still friends though no more play. (my reasons!)
    (question and answer of the day)

    why put on this macho thing?

    hello... why do you think they are the stronger species??? its the male ego. all have it. it's when they use it. lmao

    hell and they wonder why there are so many lesbians today.

    i think they all must of watched this movie in grade school while we watched that horrible "puberty movie" and theirs was "what to say to a girl....by men, for men"

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    be careful

    be careful with the whole friends with benefits. u could get feelings for the person and they just want the whole friendship with benefits. i had that b4.

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