...so spring break is over...i haven't seen KT (let's just call her that for now) in a week. the last time i saw her was before our test. but anyways, i was so depressed because i couldn't get a hold of her all break. i was, probably still am to the point where i'm just giving up now. i went to class and passed her by and i smiled and said hello, , that was it. i sat down behind her where i usually do. and she turns around and starts a conversation with me. not the usual kind where she needs a pencil or she needs paper or notes or anything like that, she asked me how my break was. i was like, huh? i didn't actually say that but i thought that. so i was a nerd and lied to her. "i studied all break". no way i'm going to tell her that i drank the day away and had friends over all week to keep me company. she might think i'm "that kind of guy". ha ha! so i asked her what she did and this and that. she was more interested in what i was going to say more than anything. that look in her eyes was undeniably unique. she was like "why didn't you do anything?" and in my mind i said "cuz you weren't with me foo!" but i told her i had too much to worry about to do anything. ha ha! i actually did but watever... so then i told her i tried calling her during break and she said "really? you have the right number?" me: "probably, i reached you before, we'll make sure afterwards, ..." i hope i didn't give her the guilt trip, cuz i felt like i did. well anyways, we walked out of classing talking and we got to a point where she asked me if i wanted to work together on this group project we had, to my surprise i really didn't expect her to ask me...so i said sure...(thinking hell ya!)...and i told her, well it seems you're always busy so you call me when you want to get together and she said ya. weird but i felt i showed her i didn't have any interest...but we'll see. weekend please come sooner!