I regret it is all I want to say
I know I hurt you
I hate that I hurt you
I’ve never stopped thinking about it
5 long years
Would it have happened?
if I had never told her
Would things be different?
Would we still be?
Why would she betray me?
my best friend.
But I can’t blame her
I did it in the end
They were
my thoughts
My feelings
My words
That ended it in the end
They all said I was crazy
Damn they were right
He is perfect for you
You are perfect for me
Why couldn’t I see it?
I walked away from you
Biggest mistake I have ever done
Do you know that I cried when I broke your heart?
I cried myself to sleep for weeks
I was scared
Scared that you would hate me
Scared that I had done the wrong thing
Yet still we were friends
I prayed we would still be friends
And we were
Because you are perfect
Then you moved away
Bloody hell my heart broke that day
I remember the last things we did together
I remember the last car you were seen in
I remember your red hat
I remember your eyes
Those gorgeous blue eyes
I remember everything.
We still talked
Though we are a million miles away
Time went by I thought I was okay
A new boy came
I compared him to you
And then he went
That’s when I knew.
We sometimes flirted
We sometimes teased
You still wrote me songs
You still took my breath away
But it hurt so much
Because we could never be
We always dreamed about when we would see each other again
But it was always a dream
This whole time we kept our true feelings inside
I never told you
Cos I thought it would be too good to be true
You never told me
So now I don’t know
Now I don’t know how you feel?
Is there something deep inside?
I can only hope
Do you long for me?
as I long for you.
I can only hope
Or have you truly moved on?
Am I just a memory?
Cos I’m taking a huge step
I’m risking my whole heart
This is the scariest thing I will ever do
And I’m doing it all for you.
I cannot wait to see you
It’s been 5 long years but
Feels like a million
Yet only a few weeks to go
And I’ll be seeing you again
I will tell you I love you again.