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Thread: My own Saddest story

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    My own Saddest story

    Leave comments anything would work, this is a story of the girl of my dreams.

    My own saddest story

    Do you know the feeling of working so hard to get something? Then maybe you also know the feeling is a hundred times better when you achieve it, the feeling of finally succeeding. This isn’t just a typical sad love story it’s a true story and its my story.

    How should I begin? When I was in middle school I had very few friends id any cause I guess I was just more of a quite kind of kid, actually it was worst it was more like me being the short kid that got picked on by the cool kids. Up until I started high school I didn’t have any friends other then family friends that all didn’t live in Nevada, let alone talk to a girl in fact I got picked on by girls so as you can see I wasn’t the most popular kid growing up. As I got into high school I made some really close friends that are still dear to me till this day.

    As I grew up day by day I wanted what every young man wanted, a girlfriend. Harder then It sounds, I got rejected more times then I have fingers but it was okay because I started t get use to it after awhile and just learn to move on. Okay here comes the good part and this is where my story begins.

    ::The most beautiful girl::
    The very first night I met this girl she looked like she wanted to be Nelly because of the bandaid she had on her face. I really don’t know how to explain how I felt the very first time I felt for her but it was a good feeling a very good one. She was slim, beautiful, and silly as simple as they may sound it was much more then that. I thought in my head that damn this girl would be worth any trouble it took to get to know her a little more. So it began I started to talk to her and well I wasn’t too shocked that she had a beautiful personality because when I first met her In my little head I already imagined her with one. Slowly I threw in more and more heart in getting to know her and I guess you could say I wanted this girl and what more could any one man ask for. During the time I started getting to know her I was deathly afraid of messing things up and scare her away because I think Ive done that my share of times when I was a bit younger. At the time she did have a boyfriend but that didn’t shock me either because she was like a parking spot all the good ones are taken. I started to question myself if I should stop talking to her because she did have someone already but I guess I found some way around my conscience and told myself if they were that strongly in love no one could break them up and then I slowly built the courage to keep talking to her by self motivation and talking to myself saying “ don’t give up loser” or don’t fail if you let this girl go you will regret it.

    ::The start or my mission::
    I remember at the time her boyfriend was a well uhm Im going to say butthead but I really mean a little trick ass bitch. But like all good things must come to an end except I don’t think he was a good thing. So they broke up and nothing made me more happy at the time but call it bad timing because not long after they broke up I had to go on a family trip to Thailand for 18days and I dreaded it and tried finding many ways out of it but to no luck I was stuck and leaving in a few days. I was a bit upset because I been trying to get with this girl for several months I was scared my chance would slip away I was scared someone else would sweep her off her feet while I was gone, so I made it a routine to call her daily as I was away but of course knowing my shitty luck I wouldn’t make it back in time before she did meet someone new to take her away from my arms. Finally my stupid trip was half over and I could go back home soon cause I did miss her a lot. As the heavens above and almighty god would bless me during my last ten days she really did meet someone, someone that really did take her away from me. So once again I was out of luck and had the feeling of something that you tried for months to get taken away from you in a mere ten days and someone you put so much heart into with someone else again. I didn’t blame her at all It was all in all my fault I know im not good looking or the best person alive and that she could find someone better in a heartbeat. So now Im stuck in some foreign country miserable feeling hurt and alone I lost all my confidence and went all emo I beat myself up about it pretty bad and the sadder part was I spent all the money I saved to buy her a lot of presents on this trip but I don’t regret because I think all those presents were still worth at least One smile from her. I did get that smile I hoped for but I still felt sad and happy , sad she wasn’t mine and she didn’t wait for me but happy because she found someone that makes her happy that really was a weird mix of feelings. Well as time went on I told myself to forget and move on in a way. I started talking to this new girl about all my problems and it was messed up because she liked me but I just used her as a float. How far things got with this girl I didn’t really care but things were going okay and I was starting to feel better, Then I got a call from the girl I had true feelings for and she told me “Me and that guy broke up” . To be totally honest I had 30 things go off in my head at once like Why is she calling me?, am I just some nice gullable rebound to her?, but the other side of me really wanted to know If she was alright , was she okay, did she want me to kill that guy. Well I did what any normal person would do which is protect themselves from getting hurt then acted cold towards her like I didn’t care but in fact I really did care like care A lot a lot. So after a couple days i got a message from her saying I was mean and I think she said fake..! the message blew my mind. It made me ask myself why am I being like this, well I gave in and called her to hang out. When we hung out I really did have a blast because doing anything with her was the same as long as I was with her nothing else mattered and to me I thought of that hang out as a date regardless if she did or not. I remember that date very well I took her to the pool hall I always goto to shoot and I remember saying that if I won this game she had to marry me and every game I won after that is how many kids we were gonna have. By the time we were done shooting I was gonna have a wife and 4 kids. So as I was taking her home that night to her brothers house I walked her to the door but no one was home and she didn’t have a key so she ended up sleeping over at my house. My parents made her sleep in the guest room cause they are gay -_- I really did want to hug her to sleep but couldn’t. While I was sleeping I remember her sneaking into my room, needless to say uhm I got alittle excited with this beautiful girl on my bed and I wanted to play a little? K that sounds innocent enough but before we did anything I had to ask her out I didn’t want her to feel bad about it after or make her look bad. When this all happened I was half asleep and as I woke up the next morning it all just seemed like a dream I imagined and I literally woke up to see if she was really there and was she really mine all mine. She was! And I was really truly happy well we got dressed and went out to Chinatown for the annual festival and had a good time so for the next couple days I couldn’t believe that I was this lucky but after the first couple days we didn’t really have anymore dates because her parents kept her home and didn’t let her go out but that didn’t stop me from going to see her every single day. Staying home or going out was all the same to me as long as she was by my side and the time I was lucky enough to have with her was definitely irreplaceable. I remember always helping out her mom around the house, driving out to the movies with her mom too, and watching classic movies at her house.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    ::Life changing Heart breaking news::
    One day she finally told me something that effected me till this very day something that broke my heart to a million pieces, she said “ I moving to Oklahoma with my dad” as soon as I heard that I felt I was going to stop breathing. The girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with is moving away to a place that I couldn’t even visit her at. I am crushed, I am hurt, I am pathetic and useless. I am losing The one thing most important to me the one person truly dear to me. The everything about her that made my life complete is going to be gone. Felt like losing more then a lover it was like losing a best friend, a homie, the part that completed me. I was devastated and desperate a thousand ways I came up with to try and make her not leave, a thousand ways that simply just wouldn’t work because nothing was going to change this painful fact. Well later the night as I left her house I still couldn’t stop thinking about it all and it made me tear up and I felt like a helpless child, I know im a strong person and scared of nothing but why is it when it comes to this girl I feel so helpless. The silent tears the couldn’t stop killed me slowly. I continued to see her every day not missing one because I had to make the best of the time I had left with her. I have so many memories about the things that made me give her my unconditional love I remember when I got sick and couldn’t get out of bed but still wanted to see her badly and couldn’t so I called her and talked to her on the phone but I fell asleep while on the phone only to wake up hours later to her waiting for me to wake up on the phone she didn’t hang up and that just simply melted my heart it felt like she stayed up to look after me, that was the nicest thing a girl has ever done for me.

    :: All the stars in the sky, couldn’t mend my broken heart::
    ::But I didn’t even get One Last Kiss…::
    Along with her goodbye present to me was a message inside that said All the stars in the sky couldn’t mend my broken heart a message that I would never forget. I asked her to not break up with me and begged to make this work but I could tell she only said yes so I wouldn’t be as hurt. All good things must come to an end as my lasts days with her did too. Tomorrow she was leaving and I got to take them to the airport and I remember arriving at her house a little early to be confronted by her dad and he told me to just leave they had a ride already and I stared at him ready to cry already and with a little hate because I didn’t understand why he disliked me. Did he really not care how I truly cared for his daughter and would give her anything, why didn’t this guy give me a chance, well her mom persuaded him to let me drive them to the airport. As we arrived and got her luggage out all I got was a hug and a wave, not even one last kiss. I couldn’t believe all of this was happening and that this day was finally here I was standing at the drop off zone staring at her dumbfounded for an expression for a feeling I was lost. Sort of like when I first woke up to know that she was really my girlfriend except right then It felt like I just awoke from a nightmare that continued into reality. I sat in my car and watched her leave.

    :: I am lost, crying, and driving to I don’t know where::
    Leaving the airport driving by myself all alone. That’s when everything hit me all at once all the tears I held back in front of her family all came out. I was ready to drive off the freeway and end my pain. I wasn’t sure where to go I just didn’t want to be alone and I drove to the pool hall crying all out in front of everyone it didn’t matter to me who was there I couldn’t stop because it hurt so bad and no comfort from anyone I knew could ease my tears or make me feel better. So as I got home that night all I did was wait for her to call when she arrived. I really missed her.

    :: As the days without her went on::
    Finally after what seemed like an eternity I got a call from her. That was the only thing that brought me a smile. So as the days went by we couldn’t call everyday because of the phone bill and had to keep in touch through letters, the letters were the only things keeping me sane. I remember her dad telling me to read this book and write a 2 page summary about it then give it to her mom but I didn’t do it partially because I had a small disliking for her father who never gave me a chance and I blamed him for taking her away from me. Every letter I received from her only told me that she was slowly drifting more and more from me, and every letter I replied had tears in them. I still missed her whole heartedly and every night when I showered I look at the scar on my chest from her that is still there till this day.

    ::What I feared eventually came::
    What I feared most wasn’t only her leaving me it was her meeting someone new and breaking up with me for him, but of course that day came and a part of me died when I received that letter. All the things I tried to do and all the things I didn’t do, I regret like not doing that summary her dad asked me too, I regret not waking up earlier every morning to go see her while she was still here, and I blamed myself for going on that stupid trip that let someone get her before I got too. So what now? Now shes gone and all I had left were regrets, she was no longer mine and I have nothing.

    :: To move on or not to move on::
    Did I move on ? Did I find someone new? Yeah I found someone else, No I definitely didn’t feel close to the same because what I felt for Daryle was incomparable in all aspects. I told myself to let time do its thing and eventually it will all fade from you. How wrong I was I admit with this new girl we did have fun times but everything fun we did I said to myself it would have been better with daryle. So after 3 years with this girl I realized I shouldn’t keep wasting her time it wasn’t going to get anywhere it was no fault of her just myself and in those 3 years there wasn’t a day I didn’t think of daryle. As creepy as this may sound when I was bored sad or lonely I secretly drove to where she used to live and see my name on the tree that I wrote with her but after a couple years even my name got crossed out. I sat outside her old house and thought back on the times we use to have. I really meant no harm and just felt lost and alone. Despite how I kept trying to stay in touch with daryle I could tell that I was bothering her so I just kept everything to myself. Up until a year ago I found out you moved back to vegas and I thought our promise would still be there that if you ever came back you would give us another chance but turns out you were still with that guy leaving me to feel that it was all hopeless still. I guess I could just say I lost the courage to throw myself at you like I once did when we first met because these last couple years were really tough on me.

    ::Hi daryle, nice seeing you again : P ::
    Two or three weeks ago I finally had lunch with you it really was something nice thanks !

    as I wrote this story I really hope I don’t scare or push you away and don’t take it the wrong way I already understand that you would never like me like again. Also don’t take this little story to heart because I don’t want you to ignore me again and lose you another time lol.

    P.S. your just as beautiful as ever and i hope your bf treats you really good cause your worth it. take care

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    well that was a looooong story first love....it's sad

    here's a joke

    There was a guy in a

    bar one night that got

    really drunk, I mean

    really, really, really

    drunk. When they

    finally threw him out

    he stumbled out onto the street.

    He saw a nun

    walking down the road,

    keeping herself to

    herself. He stumbled
    over to her and

    tapped her on the

    shoulder and as she

    turned round he punched her right

    in the face. Well the

    nun was really

    surprised but before she could do or

    say anything he smacked

    her another one. Then

    he slapped her round the side of

    the head and over she


    The drunk guy

    steadied himself and

    then kicked her in the

    back. Then he picked her up and

    threw her up against a

    wall and started

    working on the body. Finally he

    got tired and stopped.

    The nun was

    understandably weak at this stage and she

    slumped to the ground.

    The drunk grinned with

    pride. He leaned down, right in her face and


    "Not so

    fcuking strong tonight,

    are you batman"

    as you can tell emosissy i didn't really know what to tell ya
    Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    St Thomas, USVI
    ^^^LMFAO.WWWOOOOWWW I would definitely have gotten some strength to get up and kick his ass, some way, some how. BATMAN?LOL!
    ..::.*Love is giving someone the ability to break your heart but trusting them not to*.::..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    ye i still laugh at that joke....hope it cheered ya up emosissy
    Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    thanks lol.

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