This is my story and I wouldn't trade it for anyone else's. My story sits in a petite young lady I live with named Lori. To the naked eye, she is simply my college sweetheart. Meeting freshman year, I realized what I found after I made the mistake of assuming she was any other girl on my college merry-go-round. The feeling after the next ticket-bearer was extraordinary and I simply had to return to her. I quickly attained her attention and found popularity to be an easy feat. I was the rockstar at a fine-arts school.

I'll skip the boring part where I fall into the 5 year heroin binge and throw everything God gave me away (including lori). That part isn't interesting. People saw me disappearing, and that included Lori. I eventually dropped out, flew accross the nation and lived in Arizona to get sober and I was very successful. I lasted out there for a while, but I decided that I couldn't live without her, and I flew back to Cleveland even though I knew I would use again. I came back and spent another 2 long years abusing heroin until God gave me a chance to get out and boy did I take it.

I started a treatment in November 2006 and have not looked back whatsoever. I've never thought about it, all that's been on my mind is this girl. I desperately pursued her and found her. I studied my ass off to catch up to today's latest computer science curriculum (what i was studying in college) and persistently applied and I was offered every job. I got the job and saved every dime I could knowing that one day I would ask her to marry me.

I was able to get her attention and we began talking again. I slowly stopped talking to the people that got sober and were going the AA route. I decided that drugs had taken enough of my life, I was not going to give another 3 hours a week or more to that sort of thing. I was done. I spent every hour I could with her, that she would see me. I finally convinced her to come to Arizona with me to visit my father who had taken me in before.

Before the flight I told her I could get on the plane early because I had diabetes (which I do). I got on the flight early and because of a security dispute, it took the other passengers 1 1/2 hours to board. She was LIVID that I left her there. But about 15 minutes into the flight... "The passenger sitting in seat 54B must immediately come to the back of the cabin for security purposes..."

Lori's face went white as a ghost... I slowly walk towards the back with a whole avalanche of emotion. I pick up the loudspeaker... "6 years ago, I met the most wonderful, charming young lady I'd ever saw. Always a kind word and always a warm heart, I knew she had to be the girl for me. I saw her as the mother of my children well before I kissed her. I am in love and I want to spend the rest of my days staring at her..."

I slowly walk back to my seat and get on one knee... "Baby doll, will you marry me?"



... (literally)


"uh uh uhhuh yes"

"YAYAYAYAYAY!" everybody screams. The pilot even sent us a bottle of wine. We're getting married on June 14th and we've just moved in together (i know, in sin). Because of my experiences: getting diabetes/the drugs/the lost love/being without a single dollar for so long/etc, I hold so much dear now. I have Lori, a great job that pays well, much of my health back, my own place, a big screen!, all of the little things, I've got it all. If I've learned anything from the tough parts its that Life goes on. If i've learned anything afterwards, its that Life is Beautiful.