There's this girl who's in two of my classes and on the same swim team. She's like one of the most attractive Asian girls in our school (I'm Asian) according to all the people that I talk to, however I don't find her that 'HOT'. She might have a nice figure but her face kinda reminds me of her younger years when she was sortof 'geeky'. Anyhow, she's been talking to me often, and she definitely flirts with me. She would approach me from behind and sort of tap me on the back and walk away (kinda weird) or sometimes when I pass her in the halls (I'm usually zoned out and just listen to music while walking slow to the next class) she like bumps my shoulder. I can't say she isn't attractive, but I don't think I want to be more than friends with her. One of my friends told me she flirts alot and then she'll become bitchy, but he's like one of the guys she rejected. Haha. And I don't want to make her bitchy or mad at me, but I don't really want her to flirt with me; It's sort of annoying. Any ways to send the message w/o doing any of the above? Btw I accidently must have sent the message that I was playing 'hard to get' according to one of my friends (a girl in the same class and she told me I was acting that way) but I was just really zoned out...Thanks. Sorry for the long post.