well ill try searching for love here on loveforums datingsite sucks.. there are so many stupid guys... well.. first of all HELLO to all i am amber ... well if i would describe my self? hmmm? Wonder what it's like to be on the wild side, where you have no qualms about what will happen tomorrow and all you care about is today? Well, this is what I always think about on a daily basis, that's why I like taking risks and I tend to be impulsive. This is most especially true when I meet a guy. When I get good vibes about a guy, I usually go for it... Don't get me wrong, this doesn't happen often, but when it does... well... it's for me to know and for you to find out. If you want to find out, just hit me up... I am looking for someone who is not afraid to take risks as well, someone bold & courageous who I can ride the roller coaster with.. well that may be all... if its all ok with you? you can add me on my yahoo messenger its [email]iamyouramber@Yahoo.com[/email] or msn [email]saymyname_amber@hotmail.com[/email] .. K? see yah.. mwahh