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Thread: Tokyo Love Confessions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Tokyo Love Confessions

    I am not sure why, but I wanted to tell anyone who would listen about my first serious girl friend, and get any advice I could on how to continue, comments or even a few smart remarks from you guys! So here it goes! ;]

    Throughout my first years of HS I never was too popular with the girls. I tried and tried but it seems everything fell through relationship wise. As the Summer of 2007 rolled around nothing had changed. I was single going into my junior year of HS, and I was lonely. Being military, my Dad was stationed in Japan which is where I lived. While I lived in Japan my first year I really didn't have much interest in Japanese women until I met one that would prove to change my life forever.

    In the summer of 2007, me being as lonely as I was looked for love elsewhere and in less promising places (the internet). I met a girl on myspace who was very nice and was interested in American culture and the English Language. We were both just little kids at the time, her being 15 and me just turning 16. Not thinking anything of it, we set up a date to meet eachother and go on a little date.

    She lived in Yokohama City which was roughly a 1 hour and 30 min commute from my house. I thought that was kinda far, but I didn't have anything to lose, so I thought I would just wait and see if it would turn into anything. Well it did.

    I met her at a huge Japanese train station a couple weeks later, the crowd was so thick I could not even spot her as she found me in the crowd. When she found me she awkwardly stood in front of me and introduced herself. I did the same and gave her a friendly hug. It was on this day I would awkwardly begin to like this girl, and that our relationship started.

    After that date we saw eachother almost every week and quickly became bf and gf. We had both never been in a "real" relationship before and learned many new things together. About two months into our relationship she met a new guy and tried breaking it off with me, but I held on and we continued to date probelm free for many more months.

    As the months went on and on however I found myself slowly straying and her getting more comitted. After more than a year of dating her I broke up with her for much of the same reasons she tried to with me, and broke her heart. She was devestated. She cried long days and nights and begged for me to come back. I was nice about it but simply said to her I had found somebody else like she had before. Devestated she left and got a new bf to make her feel better, (some online guy who lived in America) and I went on with my new gf from my school.

    My new gf turned out to be a real dud, being much younger and very immature. On top of that no matter how hard I tried I could not stop thinking about the girl I had left and what she was doing. After only two short weeks of dating the one girl, I broke up with her, I just missed the girl I really loved and I knew I had made a huge mistake.

    When I called up my ex gf, she was pissed and angry. She yelled at me and told me she had moved on and for me to basically fuc* myself. The next few months of me trying to get back with her were pretty harsh resulting in many terrible things said back and forth and all around heartbreak. She told me that she had no interest in me anymore, she had a new bf, and she was going to meet him in the summer like she did me, and she hoped he was not a jacka** like I was.

    Heartbroken, I eventually stopped bugging her...after all this whole situation I had found myself in was my fault anyway. I hated myself for letting the girl who really loved me, and tried my best to move forward...

    2 and a half months into the break up I got a message from her, she said she just wanted to be friends and she hoped I could deal with that. I agreed. We slowly started talking again and she told me about her problems with her new bf. It pissed me off, and I didn't like it but I listened. Remarkably I even talked to the guy, and he had every intention on coming and meeting her and trying to make it work. He was serious about her.

    I tried to love her in anyway I could and made myself as much a part of her as I could. When march rolled around however something weird happened. I began dating again to try to get rid of the terrible saddness I had in my heart and out of nowhere with no warning at all, she broke up with that guy. He was pissed but shrugged it off not losing too much and she told me she just wanted to be single for awhile and still be friends with me. Until this day I am never quite sure why she endded it with the guy...it was so random and sudden it stumped everyone.

    As we saw eachother the next two weeks we fell back into being gf and bf again. We told eachother how sorry we were of eachothers actions and we both confessed how much we loved one another. We have been dating again for about four months now, and are set to celebrate our two year anniversary on Aug 15th as I get ready to go to college in Tokyo and she finishes HS.

    This girl is the love of my life. I am 18 now and she is just about to turn 18 and the amount of love I feel for her is just undescribable. She has been my first for everything and me hers, she has taught me a second language and really made me what I am today. She has changed my life forever and really taught me the true meaning of love. Although we both have made our share of mistakes, we have never cheated on one another, and love eachother both very much.

    I don't know what the future has in store for me and her as we both go off to college (close to one another), but I hope and pray we stay together because I think what we have is something special and something that is not commonly found in this world between two people anymore.

    Real love.

    Well there you have it, this post is completly open minded at heart and I am interested in what anybody has to say. If anybody would like to see a picture of us currently, PM me. I would post it but it won't let me because I don't have 15 posts.



  2. #2
    Illusional's Avatar
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    "Hot Love Pancake(s)"
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    is this the same person who was chatting on the internet to other guys??

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

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