I've been with my girlfriend now for just over a month, nearly 6 weeks to be more precise. She lives about 5 miles away and with it being summer she works with her parents every so often during the week. Therefore we're in the unfortunate situation in that we are unable to see each other everyday.

So far I have given her 2 to 3 days after she's been round before I text her or call her. It tends to be me that does the texting first and hopefully nobody will consider it being unreasonable of me to think that it would be nice to hear from her first every now and again rather than just when she's replying to my texts.

I usually give it a few days before I contact her because i dont want to seem clingy and i certainly don't want to start getting on her nerves. Although she did say a few weeks back that it wouldnt annoy her if i did text her everyday, i still feel as though it would after a while which i want to avoid.

I'm starting this thread because I would appreciate some opinions as to how often I should contact her without getting on her nerves, seeming needy or being clingy and without potentially making her wonder if i'm losing interest in her...?

any comments will be appreciated!