Hi all, first off Ill try and be as brief as I can, but this will end up being quite long so apologies

OK, so I was going out with a girl, call her A and we went on holiday with her cousin, N, and one of her friends. I had been considering splitting up with her for a while but it never seemed like the right time to do it.

While on holiday A really bugged me, we never really had masses in common, but seemed to just settle into a relationship really quickly and at the time she was living with me and I know she was thinking marriage kids etc, while I definately wasnt. Anyway me and her cousin, N, got on brilliantly, we have far more in common, not too much, but whatevers there we just seem to get on amazingly well and, one night, while drunk we ended up kissing while walking home

I thought it was a drunken thing but then the next night, again while drunk she was upset and I was comforting her when she said she was a bad person because she was in love with her cousins boyfriend, aka me. Anyway I spoke to her the next day while sober and it turns out she's liked/loved me for quite a while and since the start of the hol I was starting to have feelings for her as well.

When I got back I couldnt look A in the eye so I ended it with her, mentioning nothing of her cousin just gave her all the reasons I was thinking of splitting with her in the first place

Obviously things with me and N were always gonna be complicated, and we went out a couple of times then she said she wanted to try being friends. We did that for a bit but every time I saw her we definately werent friends. Ive never enjoyed the playing the field bit and no commitment bit Ive always far preferred being in a relationship with someone so I met her and we had a chat about how we basically werent friends because of the stuff we got up to when we saw each other, and after talking for ages we decided to try going out properly for a bit and see how it went, obvioulsy without telling any of her family or friends because we dont want it getting back to my ex.

So we went out for a few weeks, I saw her fairly often and when we saw each other it was great. I saw her the other night and chatted to her and she was saying she didnt want a relationship and wanted to stay single. I told her thats fine, but Im not gonna be just friends with her because I cant do it because of how I feel and that, plus if Im still seeing her and talking to her I wont have any interest in anyone else, and like I said I dont want to be single, and I dont want to just wait around until she's ready, because who knows how long thats gonna be. She doesnt want to lose me but at the same time doesnt seem to want a relationship (not just with me, with anyone). We talked for ages and at the end of it I just said she had to decide if she wanted to be with me or wanted to be single. I said I wanted to be with her and didnt want to lose her, but I wasnt going to do the just friend thing because Id just be kidding myself, so I gave her my phone and said if she wants the single thing and that then just delete her number from it

She did delete her number (sort of by accident, she was only trying to delete her old number) but then she gave the phone back to me so I gave her a lift home. When I was dropping her off I just said Id see her around and then she took my phone again and put her number back in it, then we pulled again and she ended up back at mine for a bit but when we were lying in bed just as I was about to fall asleep she said she had to get home that night (she lives with her parents still and they were expecting her) so I had to give her a lift back. I didnt really speak to her the next day and it'll soon be Sunday and I dont really know what to do now

Im thinking about just texting her sometime in the afternoon just to say Im not gonna be messed around anymore and I do care for her and want to be with her but Im not gonna continue screwing around until she fancies a relationship with me so Im gonna delete her number and she can text me when she decides what she wants. I mean I dont want to do something like that over a text, but at least she'll be able to actually think about what she wants to do/say for however long she wants rather than needing a response immediately if I called or saw her. I mean in fairness I dont really want to do it at all, because I do want to be with her but this needs to be sorted 1 way or another.

What should I do?