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Thread: Feelings for a girl that have left, but came back.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Feelings for a girl that have left, but came back.

    Hey everybody.

    Ok so im 20 and Ive been single for quite awhile now. the last girlfriend I had was about 4 years ago and we ended on good terms, until recently I haven't talked to her since. I don't mind being single, its not like im in a rush to get in a relationship or anything but every now and then I miss having small talk with someone you care about.

    It all started when I went to a friends reunion party. All my friends from high school and even back in elementary were there it just so happened that she was there to. As the night went on about half of us went to a night club while the other half of us opted to stay at the house. I chose to stay at the house because im not a big fan of clubs. she also stayed too because she was the driver and had to pick up her sisters from the club. Throughout the night it was just a bunch of guys talking and her texting at this point Ive only spoken a couple of words to her but nothing like a conversation. So as the night died down and everyone was leaving I saw her by herself, I came behind her and gave her a hug we talked for a bit and it lead to me asking if she could drive me home, she agreed. In the car she talked about how a guy at the party was hitting on her all night and all she could think about was how to tell this guy off she also mentioned that he wanted a hug from her after I hugged her. At the time I didn't even realize I hugged her, I was too drunk to notice and found out the day after when she showed me a picture of us hugging.

    The next day I was on one of those social networks and she happened to upload the pictures from the night before. After looking though the photos I saw one picture of me in a dumb pose so I took advantage of it and thought of it as a chance to finally talk to her again. We talked on MSN and during that conversation she asked me if I was seeing anyone. I told her that I haven't seen anyone since I saw her. These little talks is what ultimately attracted me to her in the first place and when we did them again I felt those feeling for her coming back.

    A couple weeks later it was a friends birthday and both her and I were invited she sat beside me at dinner and when I saw her I said hi but for some reason it was really awkward. After dinner we partied and throughout the whole night we never spoke a single word. As the party died down I was (again) in need of a ride home. She drank so she couldn't drive instead she told her sister and her sister's boyfriend to drive us home. We had 2 other people in the car, the guy that was hitting on her and a girlfriend of hers. After her friend left she asked if she could get the window seat, I was fine with it because I knew she didn't want to sit beside the guy. So after we dropped him off the ride home was even more awkward, it was me and her in the back and her sister and her boyfriend in the front. The ride was filled with mostly just me and her sister's boyfriend talking about random things. So at my stop I simply said bye and left.

    So that was 2 days ago and over this whole month or so we've talked a lot over the internet. But whenever we meet face to face it seems like we are complete strangers. Now, she is a shy girl so I guess she would have to ease into these kind of things but from how our conversations go on the internet it would seem as if shes totally fine talking to me in real life.

    I TRULY believe that she kind of has some feelings for me but I don't know how to ask her. How can I ease into that kind of question without me being so upfront about it?

    I would really like to go into more detail about this but I feel like Ive thrown enough garbage at you and I don't want to bore you.

    Thanks a whole lot guys
    Last edited by TrustySidekick; 03-09-09 at 05:36 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    This is what my boyfriend did to me:

    When I first go out with my boyfriend it was very awkward. I don't really know what to talk about or how to start a conversation (even now, sometimes when we go out with his family or friends I seemed to shut down). What my boyfriend did was getting me to stop being so shy. He keeps me talking, asking me quetions, make small jokes, talks about things that I have interests in, anything just to make me feel comfortable and break out of my shell.

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