me and my ex-gf had been goin out for 2.5 years. I'm 23 now, and she is 22. I met her at college, and we pretty much went out through college. She was my first girlfriend, but I was her however many bf. I think she has never NOT had a boyfriend. (foreshadowing)

Anyways we've had our difficulties and I eventually decided to break things off because I thought there has got to be something better for me than that. And I figured that the next step was us moving into together etc after she got out of college, and that scared me. I figured better break it off now than find out 5 years from now it never would get any better. I guess I thought that if we were meant to be together we would somehow end up together.

So anyways we broke up about a month and half ago. We Were still friends on facebook, and I find out that in less than a month she has already dated several guys (she is attractive, and I can see her being hit on a lot), and now she is dating a guy...

I talked to her last week for the firsttime last week and she seemed totally fine, recovered, and admitted to already being intimate with other people(multiple). A MONTH?!..... This is the girl that would hang on my everyword, spoke of marriage often and in love with me. That is all it took, and suddenly I am just another guy?

Anyways I just still can't believe how she could do it.. It hurts so much.But I should have known, she has always rebounded after a serious relationship.

On the otherhand I have spiraled downward. I live alone in the middle of nowhere in the midwest. I only see friends on the weekend when I travel. I haven't met any girls and I am real lonely.

I defriended her on facebook so I woudln't have to see her with her new boyfriend.. But I'm wondering if I should delete all the pictures I have of us tagged, and albums of trips we took?

She has left them all tagged which leads me to believe that somewhere she still is holding on to something, and these guys are just temp relief.

It just sucks, I knew she would start dating again and I was okay with that. But that short of time and suddenly she is having sex with multiple other people....

Part of me thinks I made a mistake breaking up with her... but now I feel there is no way I could go back to her after what she has done.

Anyways this is a classic she moved on before I did stories.. but it's just upsetting none the less. And ironic because she seemed to always the more "in love" person in the relationship, if that makes sense.

I really thought I had something special with her, and that couldn't be interchangeable, but I guess I'm wrong.

I've sorta lost hope in women altogether. I guess I don't know how to handle the situation since I've never broken up with a girl before. I didn't think it would be this hard.

Comments appreciated.

