Quote Originally Posted by D'Artagnan88 View Post
I will NEVER cheat on her again. This incident showed me just exactly how important she is to me. She's my entire life.
If and only if you never cheat on her again,
* don't tell her
* make sure she can never find out
* make sure it never happens again

If it happens again, you'll have to admit to yourself you're just another cheating bastard and fess up - you don't deserve her.

If you love her and don't wanna lose her - whatever the cost - well, the cost is simple: control yourself. At all times.

Oh, and just because you're not telling her, doesn't mean you don't owe her. You are in her debt, you better make up. Plan a nice romantic weekend together, buy her something nice, spoil her with romantic gifts & attention.

That might just relieve a part of your guilt, and make you feel a little more towards "deserving her" again..