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Thread: just need some feedback

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    just need some feedback

    This is not necessarily a poem, more of a lenghty note. I wrote this for my girlfriend, because she inspires me so. Some parts are inside jokes but I think the overall meaning is clear. I would just like some get some input. Am I not clear on any points? Is the wording wrong? Please be gentle I kind of buried my heart into the last part..
    Thank You.


    Hey that's not what this is about. I just wanted to let you know that I think about you a lot, trying to narrow down just what exactly I like about you. I made a list:

    -The way you can make anything fun (Lowry, need I say more?)

    -Your beautiful smile (The way it brightens a room; lifts my spirits)

    -The Gum Snapping (I thought it was annoying at first but then I realized how it makes you individual, unique, special. It took me a while to learn but I did it for you.)

    -The way your hair is always flying around (You are down to Earth. A true good girl, not blown out of proportion about herself like many others)

    -That bounce-back ability (Something happens that bothers you; what do you do? You stay positive, make the best of a bad situation. You do not break down, you do not let your emotions get the best of you. You are strong, brave. That is what I strive to be)

    -Your eyes (Simple, yet such an elegant brown. They tell me a lot, when you are in deep thought, coming up with a joke/insult, when you are happy, and when something is nagging at you. They affect me you know, they can change my mood with just a glance)

    -Your friends (I know that they aren't you but that's exactly the point! Most girls keep the company of mirror images of yourself, but not you. You don't let them control you, nor do you control them. You are in perfect balance. It shows how much you can care, because you have true friendships that you have worked at, not easy at some times. That means so much to me. The last time I tried to have a deep, philosophical conversation with someone, they didn't understand most of what I was trying to say)

    -Your personality (I don't usually talk about this, but I'm kind of good at reading people. Their emotions, sometimes what they are thinking, and what kind of character they have. Your eyes, like above, tell the most. I've heard of the eyes as being windows into the soul, but I think that only is true sometimes. Because there have been times that I was expecting one thing, and saw something completely different. I can honestly say that doesn't happen a lot. I think that's the main reason I like you: You are not some simple puzzle. You are not a narrow-minded person who concerns themselves on the unimportant. You think at a higher level, see a bigger picture. That's right, I'm pretty sure you are an optimist! I say pretty sure because you are more complex than your words and actions. That is something I greatly respect. It is something rare, something that should be treasured)

    -Your Heart (The one thing that troubles me the most, does yours beat the way mine does when I am with you? My heart flutters; because of you my heart rate has doubled. I feel it in my chest, my head, my cold hands. What troubles me is it is a different feeling than anything I have ever known. Why? What about you affects me so? The only conclusion I can come to is this: I can feel you. Not with touch, not mentally, I feel your heart with mine. An amazing sensation it is. But I must admit to you, the saying 'if you play with fire, you will be burned' couldn't be more accurate. I have found that a piece of my heart is gone, but not missing. It is with you. I feel like I have been 'burned' by you. You have scorched my heart)

    So basically you are overall amazing. You are more than the product of these few things I like about you. I need you to know there are more reasons than these, because you have so profoundly affected me. I don't think I could list them all, and some I am sure I do not even realize are there. No worries, I will find more. You are such an amazing person I think it would be impossible not to.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    good well done!!

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