So my Ex broke up with me on valentines day after being together for about a year. I was 21 when we started seeing each other and it was my first relationship she was 18 and I never took it to seriously for the first few months we were just having fun because I was leaving for 4 months for the summer. The last few weeks before the summer we got pretty serious and we decided to do the long distance thing. She came and visited me we talked on the phone everyday, it worked out. I came back and everything was pretty good until christmas when she started to act weird to me and everyone around her. We had a big fight about two weeks after that and we didn't really talk for a couple days but I wrote her a letter telling her how I felt and then she told me she was pregnant and things seemed to be better for a bit. To me it explained most of the problems we had but she couldn't get an abortion for a month after she found out. It was my month from hell, I tried to be so nice her, but she was very distant - to be honest I think this was when I really began to fall in love with. I just kept telling myself it was the horomones but 4 days after the procedure on valentines day she doesnt get me a gift, acts weird about my large gift i got her and I tell he she needs to tell me whats up cause she is pushing me away and I have been doing my best, that is when she tells me she doesn't feel the same way she use to about me and we break up.

A few details about when we were together, after I had gotten back she was SO in love with me, more then I was with her, I was scared to be that commited but things seemed to be ok, we would talk a bit about that and I was slowly learning to commit to her - and when I did she fell out of love with me it seems. During our break up talk, which was not angry or anything she kept apologizing saying she needed to be a better person she didn't want to hurt me and stuff, I told her how much I loved her, wouldn't forget her and that I could never say a bad thing about her. She had asked to keep my pajamas, and told me she felt like she was losing a friend and asked if we could be friends etc. then we had what felt to me the closest hug we have ever had when we parted. I called her the next day asking if we did the right thing, telling her we should try harder, but she said part of her did and part of her didnt and that we shouldn't and she was sorry.

I am feeling very confused, she said it wasn't horomones but that is when all the problems happened, looking back I know I was far from perfect and was a impatient but she wasn't perfect either but we still loved each other. She has had a rough history with men in her past including her father, them leaving her and her trying to get them back and making her feel like it's her fault.

I don't know what to do, I am not that bad of a guy, I learnt a lot from the breakup and I know I am still very emotional but I am very temted to write her a letter in a month or so, so she can work some of her issues, and try to win her back because I feel like she still has feelings for me and the break up seemed like there was still lots to say. Am I really that un-unique and just have to let things go as hard as that is going to be...