Hi. I've never actually turned to the internet for help in solving a problem before but here I am. Hopefully you guys and gals can help me out.

I've known this girl for around 7 months now. Not the longest time, but we've spent a lot of that time together. I met her through her boyfriend, who she was fighting with at the time. I didn't swoop in for the kill or anything, I didn't even have feelings for her at the time, so I tried to help her fight with him less, and comforted her when they did, and with all these other problems she had been having with her family and her health and stuff.

Anyway, we became really close friends through all that and went for coffee together and talked on the phone late into the night all the time. But then she left to go overseas for 2 months.

The way it worked out... I ended up telling her I loved here about 2 weeks in. I guess it had accumulated over the time. I didn't really think about her boyfriend or anything, since I didn't think she would reciprocate. But she did. She told me she loved me. And it was wonderful.

We talked things through, and after about a week of her agonising over whether she loved me enough to just dump her boyfriend (she was on shaky grounds with him for their relationship, but he still meant a lot to her), and her crying over it, I told her to just be with him, and that I was happy just to see her. She was fine with that. I was fine with that. The thing is she had told her boyfriend that she had feelings for me. So even though she stayed with him, he knew.

He ended up joining her overseas in the second month, and staying with her family and doing everything together. It was pretty tough for me because there was always the doubt of whether she would remember me, whether anything would happen (she wants to abstain until marriage, but they had gone about as far as you can go without penetration being involved) and so on. I went to a few parties and stuff during this time, got drunk out of my mind, but didn't do anything with anyone at all (I'm a pretty big flirt usually when I am single).

She got back recently. I saw her the day after her flight came in. I dressed up, she dressed up, in an unspoken agreement... I took her to see a movie (not very classy but very us) and then for dinner and coffee. The 'date' ended without anything eventful happening.

2 days ago we were heading home together. All of a sudden she tells me that she really needs to find a payphone, as her phone was dead and I was out of credit. We kind of adventure around until we find one, and she makes a call to a mutual friend of both us and her boyfriend. She tells me to go away. This is really weird because I know everything about her. She tells me everything. I tell her everything. I don't think there's anything about her I don't know. We share our hopes and dreams, our fears, everything. I ask her if something's wrong. She says' nothing'. I ask if she's sure she has nothing to tell me. She says 'nothing'.

We get on the bus home. We sit up the back and talk quietly. All of a sudden she kisses me on the cheek and says "I told you I didn't have anything to say." She's kissed me on the cheek before, but in a friendly way. This was more than that. She asked me what I was thinking when I kind of sat stunned for a moment and we talked about it. After that we kind of went our separate ways without much else happening.

She broke up with her boyfriend later that night. Sort of. She told him she wanted to break up and he rolled over and went back to sleep. They've been hanging out since then, and I've seen her with him (he looked terrible, he left when he saw me), but I think she's just trying to keep him close as a friend.

Anwyay! After that little bit of background, what I want to ask is, how should I proceed? I still see her very often, and talk to her every day, but I haven't given her a proper kiss or told her I loved her face to face (since she's still been with her boyfriend until now). Advice please, ladies?