I currently work in an office that prohibits dating coworkers, however, that's not really my issue (dating, that is). I like a coworker and am uncertain of what he thinks about me, and due to a bad situation with an ex, I really try not to assume what he thinks. The little we've talked about it, a. he doesn't date coworkers and b. doesn't acknowledge what he thinks of me. So, I've left that at.

The issue that I have is that I really like him, and although I will be quitting soon (not because of him), I want to get over him and spend the last few months at my job without the thought of him nagging over my head. As I said, I am uncertain of how he feels about me, but sometimes I feel like my feelings toward him interfere with my work performance. As of late I have pulled back in order to help remove him from my thoughts.

On the flip side, I am a bit nervous that if I try to make him obsolete from my mind that I will be throwing away a potential relationship. I've only had one boyfriend, which ended badly, and since them (I'm in my mid-twenties) have refrained from relationships for fear of being hurt. I've known him for about a year now and the crush has steadily grown (I initially thought it would just go away), but I don't want to read into anything.

Thoughts? Advice?