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Thread: whats wrong with me?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    whats wrong with me?

    I've been with this girl for almost 10 months now but somethings been keeping us fighting for the longest time. I find it hard to trust her some times. Because we started dating it was june and all summer it felt like she was the greatest girl I ever met in my life. Everything seemed perfect. But I got locked up for 20 days in july and she stayed with me through it. Then school started and things started happening. Some kid texted her that he wanted her booty, and I let it go not thinking anything of it cuz she didn't say nothing back. But then the next week I found out she was talking to this other guy saying how she wouldn't break up wit me but was still getting his hopes up. I confronted him and he hasn't been a problem since. But then come january I found out she was terrible in the summer. Like she was getting guys hopes up, trying to hang out with other guys. I found out she tried to meet that guy at the beach that said he wanted her booty but they never did. Then while I was locked up, she's 16 now, but she was talking about having sex with some 23 year old. I was pissed. So I thought the summer was so perfect but I found out she wasnt being loyal even though she claims to have still of had strong feelings just made stupid mistakes because her longest relationship was only a month, mine was 7 months. But I've forgiven her but I still just can't get it off my mind all the times she's hurt me. I mean the one guy she was getting his hopes up but wouldn't break up with me for, was the last guy I know she was talking too behind my back and that was in november. I believe she been loyal since then, I mean I know nothing bad, it wouldn't suprise me if she has been staying loyal. I just feel like I can't trust her because of all them other times. I mean I caught all these guys on myspace but shes let me check all that recently and its been clean. What the hells wrong with me? Why do I feel like she still isn't being trust worthly?I love her to death and I would do anything to get through this.

    Also if this helps, ive had 2 other relationships. In the 1st one the girl was talking to another guy behind my back in the 1st 3 months and never got my trust back and it was hell for the rest of that 7 months. And the next girl I was with for 2 weeks and I found out she was pregnant and still talking to that guy behind my back and saying she was using me so I dumped her on the spot. So its not been the 1st time so maybe this has something to do with it? IDK. PLEASE HELP!!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Twin Cities
    She doesn't seem very committed to your relationship if she keeps lining up replacement boyfriends. It would be better for her to focus on the relationship she has, but it seems like she is insecure. I don't blame you for having trust issues, because she doesn't sound very trustworthy. Or mature. I think you would be happier if you dumped her.
    Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from bad decisions.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Wow, I can really relate to this. Trust is the cornerstone of a relationship. I believe that all relationships should beging with trust, but once it's damaged it is very hard to repair. If its been damaged multiple times then it's almost impossible to repair.

    I'm going to assume that your version of what happened is accurate. As long as your not "seeing demons" where there are none. Some people can get jealous because of their own insecurities and be suspicious about things that are truly innocent behaviors. If she truly has been unfaithful, then the trust has been broken. If its all in your head then you need to straighten that out first.

    How can you trust someone who has cheated? Your mind is always going to be questioning them. You can try to forgive, but unless you feel that she has truly regretted her mistakes and really believe that she feels true remorse you arent going to be able to move past this. We guard our hearts when we have been hurt, to protect ourselves from being hurt again. This is nothing wrong with you, you just feel betrayed. Thats very hard to get over and you can't do it alone. If she helps you, then maybe you can heal over time.

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