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Thread: Ever done so much so fast that you are so sore you feel like you are dieing ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Ever done so much so fast that you are so sore you feel like you are dieing ?

    Well I have before and it was nothing compared to what I feel lately.

    Since last tuesday I've been busy busy busy. Barely able to spend any time at home, and when i do spend time at home I am still busy with my son. I've been coaching my sisters softball team and I've been out playing them in practice. The girls have been keeping me more active then I've been in a decade. I run around, not job, but I full out run as fast as I can. I throw softballs from across the field as hard and fast as I can. I bat to the girls; this isnt so bad, but I been going to the batting cages recently and thats taking its toll on me. I've barely been getting ANY sleep at all. ESPECIALLY last night. I got maybe 30 minutes to an hour of sleep.

    My busy busybusy schedule officially started friday night. The girls had softball practice, which was fun, but again, I out did myself. That night I had pulled many muscles in my legs, mainly my lower shins were throbbing and my thighs were bulging and sore. I went out after practice to the batting cages for 2 hours. God damn ! I pulled a few muscles in my back. My arms and chest were bulging so much that they hurt. But mainly my back was ****ing in constant pain. I went home and tried to sleep but the pain wouldnt allow me to so I stayed up all night watching movies on IControl or playing on my computer. The next morning I had to get up early anyways to go coach the girls softball game. This wasnt so bad, I didnt run or anything, but I did warm our catcher up before the game. I love throwing with this girl. She throws just as hard as I do, and she isnt scared to catch my fastest and hardest throws. Well, doing this made my sore arms even MORE sore. And then during the game, when its our turn to field, I would always go out and catch for the pitcher so she can warm up while our catcher is getting her gear back on. Well, yeah. Squating was killing my shins and thighs. I thought I was gonna die out there. lol - ok, so after the game i go home and then i leave at 1:30pm so to miss my ex comming over. I tried to get Elena, but she was busy, so I went to the batting cages again, out of bordom. I hurt my back a little more, not that much tho. My arms and chest bulged out again and I twisted my angle somehow... Really weird. Ok, so after the cages I go straight to my daughter's mom's house for my daughter's 3rd bday party (u had already taken my daughter to get her gift on Wednesday). Robin was amazed at my appearance (she hasnt seen me in months), and her twin sister, Sarah, was all flirty flirty with me. She would sit in my lap while I sat on the couch and if I went outside to smoke (yes i started up again saturday - i dont know why) she would follow me out there and smoke with me. For awhile she sat in my lap and I had my arms wrapped around her. It looked as tho we were a couple - idk, its hard to explain really. But Robin came up to us and she pulled Sarah off of me and set her down beside me. So Sarah just picked up her legs and placed them across my lap. Meh. Ok, so I leave the party and I go home. I stayed home all night because I had a baseball game the next say (sunday) and i knew i was gonna be sore... Ok, so Sunday morning I wake up to Elena's voice. She had called me and I picked up the phone in my sleep and when I heard her voice i instantly woke up. She sounded horrible. She was almost in tears. I asked whatr was wrong and she said she is sick. She didnt want to be sick because she wanted to hang with me that day. I calmed her down and said she can come watch me play baseball if she wants. She said ok. So I let her go so I could shower and call that guy. Ok, so I call the guy and ask him where the park is, he tells me the game was canceled to show up to his shop Wednesday to find out when and where the next game is. So I then took my shower and got dressed in my "slacker" gear. I even put my earring back in, and I totally looked like my old self, just with muscles. lol - ok, so I go pick up Elena and told her the game was canceled. I then took her to the store to get her medicine and just about anything she wanted. I told her "you're my baby for the day and I am gonna take care of my baby." she laughed at me and said her mom told her to tell me to take care of her today. I got her tissues, cough drops, like 3 different kinda of cold medicine, menthol cigarettes, and candy. Thats what she wanted, so thats what she got. I then took her to the mall because she wanted to get a new nose ring because she lost the ball that went to that one, so I did. I baught her a set of 6 rings. She loved it ! After that I took her to get some food. Lucky me her fav place is MY fav place too. Jack n the Crack. So I bought her anything she wanted on the menu, as much as she wanted. She got a meal and a shake. I then order myself a meal and a 99 cent berger. We sat there just talking and goofing around for about an hour or two, then she started to feel really bad and started getting pale. Kinda worried me so I asked her if she wanted to go home and rest. She said that would prolly be the best idea, even tho she doesnt want to leave my side. I offered to take her to my place, but she feels weird around my family, and her mom hasnt met me, and it wouldnt be cool to meet her mom under these cercumstances. So I took her home and wished her well. I then got bored and went to the batting cages. But this time i never made it past the front doors. Just getting out of the truck hurt my body badly, so I said **** it and left. I drove all the way to Galveston Island and sat on the beach listening to the water and seagulls as I sat on the sand smoking a cigarette feeling my skin cook under the super hot sun. I didn't stay long, only about 30 minutes.. But it gave me enough time to settle some old thoughts in my head and to reshift the balance in my mind. Then then got in my truck and drove home, this time driving under the speed limit by about 5 mph. And i put it on cruise control so that I could relax my throbbing legs. When I got home I nearly lost my balance and fell over when I got out of the truck I was so light heanded and weak. MY entire body felt as tho it was made of helium and wanted to float away. I have a HUGE headache - almost to a migraine point, and I felt like I was going to puke. I thought someone had slipped me some kind of drug somewhere along the day. I had bought alot of coke's (the drink..) and I had eatten at a Jack n the Crack in the middle of "the hood", so... I didnt know.. But i had a friend tell me its most prolly not anything like that. He said maybe i am just tired or dehydrated.. Idk, i never figured out what it was. Maybe I got car sick because of cruise control ? idk. But i layed down in bed at 5:00pm to try to get some rest, then my dad comes into my room at 5:45pm and tries to wake me up by saying "supper is ready", I just turned over in my bed and fell back asleep. He then prceeds to wake me up at 6:30pm telling me "i wont fall asleep tonight if i dont wake up" So i gave up and got out of bed and made me a plate of supper. It was nasty. The look of it, the smell of it, the taste of it.. It all made me want to puke even more. So I didnt eat it and i just sat on my computer chatting with a friend in Canada. After a few hours I felt better. But when i layed down at 10:30 to go to bed i couldnt fall asleep. I kept dreaming of death and all the different ways he could easily catch me and all the times he should have in the past that I've escaped. So I got up did 250 sit ups then smoked a cgarette and tried to go back to bed. I kept having dreams of my old life and I was constantly surrounded by strippers and such so I couldnt sleep so I got up and worked on my computer trying to fix the notebook for nearly 3 hours i did this. Then I gave up and got on ym desktop and checked out a few porn sites, got off, then layed down and I instantly felt better. I held onto my pillow and smiled and let out a BIG sigh and thats the last thing I remember before waking up this morning. This morning my abs hurt badly as well as all the other muscles in my body because of those damned sit ups last night. I mean they hurt B A D !!

    Ok, so yeah... I kinda got a little detailed there.... But have any of you ever been this sore in your life ? I mean I came into work this morning and once i sat in my chair i didnt want to move. I dont want to get up to go smoke, or go pee, or get food, I just want to be a still as possible to make the pain ease as much as possible...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Canada RULES!
    I've felt like that before. Usually it happens when I haven't worked out in ages and then I have a good couple hours of exercising or doing something really strenuous. Then I wake up in the morning and I litterally can't move out of bed because I'm so sore.

    Worst feeling ever. blah. That reminds me I haven't worked out in a while either. ugh!

    Evil School!!
    May not be on LF as much, due to unforeseen circumstances.
    Blame College and Homework for Everything!!

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