Hello everybody,

As it is the custom I will introduce myself ^^.

I am a French guy of 28 yo with a strong passion for personal development and spirituality.

This may seem strange but a bachelor in Management and a master in Marketing from a top Business Schooll and many successful experiences in the world of Business Consulting have been for me essential steps in order to develop an effective method for helping my relatives, friends and clients on a psychological and spiritual level. Working in the world of business and consulting means spending my time meeting people with very different profiles, questions and dreams. It is about learning to continually provide effective solutions and knowing that nothing is permanent. It is about understanding that every crisis is above all an opportunity to lift the veil of appearances and attempt to capture the essence of an event, its cosmic reason.

During my life I have understood that human problems (stress, strained relationships, failures ...) were often the manifestation of a split between people's lives and the aspirations of their true self. When we forget to be who we really are, when we are playing roles, when we get lost in the roles that our education and society had assigned to us we lose the contact with our stars, our life dreams which are waiting for us at the end of our journey.

Because ultimately, I have realized one fundamental thing: the key to live a happy life resides in the ability to reconnect with our true self, that spark of divinity that is within us. And this means to stand up for our ideals, to act with compassion and love in every situation of our lives, to remove the mask that we wear and to sing the melody that lives at the center of our heart.

Passionate by spirituality since my childhood, I have studied the various religions of this world and the various systems that enable mankind to walk the path of the divine within him in order to manifest his dreams and healing aspects of his life. The research of holistic healing techniques naturally led me to become a Reiki and IET practitioner. To be perfectly honest, I work a lot with shamanic techniques, I believe in the power of angels and I think that reconnecting with the Divine in any of its forms is a perfect way to achieve this perfect harmony and to manifest our dreams in this world.

Wishing to offer people a means to achieve their dreams, to regain contact with the divine that vibrates in them, I have also developed a system of archetypes based on the work of Jung and American therapists. Now I am very happy because I have created my own website where I expose my articles and technics.

I am very happy for having discovered this forum. The posts seem very interesting and I am delighted with the idea of participating to all those exchanges.