Just wrote this when I was feeling uncharacteristically emotional. Decided it would be a great anniversary letter. What do you guys think? Good, bad, changes? Thanks!

Sometimes I dream about this amazing girl. She's funny, smart, beauiful, clever, fun, and cute. Perfect in every way.

In my dream we watch movies, we cuddle, we kiss, we hold hands while we stroll. We giggle under the covers, we have the most mind-blowing sex. We feed each other, we talk to each other, we laugh together.

And no matter what we are doing, while we are together, I'm happy. Always so happy. This girl fulfils me, and makes me feel whole in such a way that I never knew was possible until I met her. She pushes back the darkness, the bleakness of my life with her radiance and fire.

And she is my everything. She is who I love and live for, who I look forward to when there is nothing else to to look forward to. I know this is the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with, and I hope with all my heart that she feels the same way.

But then I wake up. I wake up to a darkened room, feeling panicked, lost, and on the brink of tears. I desperately look around the room for any sign of the girl in my dreams but there is none. She was only a dream. A figment of my imagination. It is the most gut-wrenching feeling of depression I have ever felt. To be all alone, when such bliss and love was moments before.

Then I wake up again. This time, in the real world. Relief and gratitude and happiness and so many other emotions wash over me, because that girl up there? It's you.

It's weird, how my mind ****s with me, taking me on a proverbial rollercoaster ride of euphoria and depression. But I don't care, because it's a good reminder. My brain's way of saying, "Dude, you got it good. Don't forget and don't **** it up."

And what is the point of this story, you ask?

I want you to know that I have seen my life without you, and I never want to have to experience anything remotely close it. It may seem I am distant at times, or just a plain dick at others, but know that I never took you for granted and never will; nor will I ever stop loving you.

Happy anniversary, Sharon.